42-13151. Definition of golf course In this article, unless the context otherwise requires, " golf course" means substantially undeveloped land, including amenities such as landscaping, irrigation systems, paths and golf greens and tees, that may be used for golfing or golfing practice by the public or by members and guests of a private club. Golf […]
42-13152. Computing valuation of golf courses A. In recognition of the importance of the open space and economic benefits of golf courses, county assessors shall value all golf courses uniformly based on guidelines prescribed by the department. B. Subject to section 42-13154, values shall be made on the assumption that no other property use is […]
42-13154. Covenant not to convert golf course to another use; violation; penalty A. As a condition for valuation under this article, the owner of a golf course shall record a deed restriction with the county recorder and file a copy of the restriction with the county assessor, restricting the property to use as a golf […]