42-13301. Limited property value A. The limited property value of property for property taxation purposes is the limited property value of the property in the preceding valuation year plus five per cent of that value. B. The current limited property value of a parcel of property shall not exceed its current full cash value. C. […]
42-13302. Determining limited value in cases of modifications, omissions and changes A. In the following circumstances the limited property value shall be established at a level or percentage of full cash value that is comparable to that of other properties of the same or a similar use or classification: 1. Property that was erroneously totally […]
42-13304. Exemptions from limitation The limitations prescribed by this article do not apply to: 1. Personal property, other than mobile homes. The full cash value of personal property, other than mobile homes, shall be used for all purposes in lieu of limited property value. 2. Property included in property class one under section 42-12001, paragraphs […]