45-401. Declaration of policy A. The legislature finds that the people of Arizona are dependent in whole or in part upon groundwater basins for their water supply and that in many basins and sub-basins withdrawal of groundwater is greatly in excess of the safe annual yield and that this is threatening to destroy the economy […]
45-402. Definitions In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. " Accounting period" means the calendar year, except such other twelve-month period as may be otherwise agreed on by the director and the owner of a farm or a district on behalf of its landowners. 2. " Active management area" means a geographical area […]
45-403. Designation of groundwater basins and sub-basins; hearing A. Within eighteen months of the effective date of this section, the director shall propose boundaries for all groundwater basins and sub-basins of groundwater basins in this state not included within initial active management areas established pursuant to section 45-411. B. Within twenty-four months of the effective […]
45-404. Findings on hearing; maps; order for boundaries of groundwater basin; review and modification of boundaries A. Within sixty days after the hearing, the director shall make and file in the director’s office written findings with respect to matters considered during the hearing. For each groundwater basin, the director shall prepare and file in the […]
45-405. Judicial review of decisions of the director; assignment of actions for judicial review A. This section and sections 45-406 and 45-407 govern all actions for judicial review of decisions of the director under this chapter, except those decisions made pursuant to section 45-476.01, subsection E. An action for judicial review under this chapter extends […]
45-406. Designation of judges; publication of designated judges A. The chief justice of the supreme court shall designate at least one judge, but not more than five judges, of the superior court to hear actions for judicial review under this chapter. The chief justice of the supreme court shall also specify the particular county or […]
45-407. Stay of director’s decision; precedence of actions for judicial review; review by the court of appeals A. The decision of the director shall not be stayed pending an action for judicial review, except that the judge to whom the action for judicial review has been assigned may stay the decision of the director with […]