49-437. Conditional orders; standards; rules A. The director may grant to any person a conditional order for each air pollution source which allows such person to vary from any provision of this article, any rule adopted pursuant to this article, or any requirement of a permit issued pursuant to this article if the director makes […]
49-438. Petition for conditional order; publication; public hearing A. A person who seeks a conditional order shall file a petition with the director. B. If the issuance of the conditional order requires a public hearing, the director shall set a hearing date within thirty days after the filing of the petition. The hearing date shall […]
49-439. Decisions on petitions for conditional order; terms and conditions A. Within thirty days after the conclusion of the hearing held pursuant to section 49-438, subsection B, or, if no hearing is held, within sixty days after the filing of the petition, the director shall deny the petition or grant the petition on such terms […]
49-440. Term of conditional order; effective date A. A conditional order issued by the director shall be valid for such period as the director prescribes but in no event for more than one year in the case of a source that is required to obtain a permit pursuant to this article and title V of […]
49-441. Suspension and revocation of conditional order If the terms and conditions of the conditional order are being violated, the director may seek to revoke or suspend the conditional order granted. In such event, the director shall serve notice of such violation on the holder of the conditional order in the manner provided in section […]
49-442. Appeal of county decisions When the department has asserted control pursuant to section 49-402, a party may appeal a revocation or modification of an order of abatement or a permit or permit revision previously issued at the county level by appealing pursuant to title 41, chapter 6, article 10.
49-443. Court appeals; procedures A. Except as provided in section 41-1092.08, subsection H, all final administrative decisions relating to permit actions, permit transfers or orders of abatement are subject to judicial review pursuant to title 12, chapter 7, article 6. B. When an appeal is taken from a final administrative decision pursuant to title 41, […]
49-444. Notice of hearing; publication; service A. Any notice of hearing required by this chapter shall be given by publication of a notice of hearing for at least two times in a newspaper of general circulation published in the county concerned or if there is no such newspaper published in the county, in a newspaper […]
49-447. Motor vehicle and combustion engine emission; standards The director shall adopt rules setting forth standards controlling the release into the atmosphere of air contaminants from motor vehicles and combustion engines. Any rules adopted pursuant to this section shall be consistent with provisions of federal law, if any, relating to control of emissions from motor […]
49-448. Limitations Nothing in this chapter shall be construed so as to: 1. Grant any jurisdiction or authority with respect to air contamination or pollution existing solely within commercial and industrial plants, works or shops owned by or under control of the person causing the air contamination or pollution. 2. Alter or in any other […]
49-453. Air quality impact reports; filing A. Every state agency, board and commission shall prepare an air quality impact report on a state funded project relating to transportation which it proposes to carry out or approve and which it determines may have a significant impact on air quality as it relates to carbon monoxide and […]
49-454. Adjusted work hours A. A business which has five hundred or more employees at one site in area A or area B as defined in section 49-541 shall submit a schedule prior to October 1 of each year to the director which shows an adjusted work hour proposal that will reduce the level of […]
49-455. Permit administration fund; exemption A. The permit administration fund is established consisting of fees and interest collected pursuant to this article and section 27-515. The director shall administer the fund subject to annual legislative appropriation. On notice from the director, the state treasurer shall invest and divest monies in the fund as provided in […]
49-456. Technical assistance for small business; compliance advisory panel A. After reasonable notice and a public hearing, the director shall submit to the administrator a plan establishing a small business stationary source technical and compliance assistance program consistent with and equivalent to the plan required under section 507 of the clean air act. B. A […]
49-457. Agricultural best management practices committee; members; powers; permits; enforcement; preemption; definitions A. A best management practices committee for regulated agricultural activities is established. B. The committee shall consist of: 1. The director of environmental quality or the director’s designee. 2. The director of the Arizona department of agriculture or the director’s designee. 3. The […]
49-457.01. Leaf blower use restrictions and training; leaf blower equipment sellers; informational material; outreach; applicability A. This section applies in a county with a population of two million or more persons or any portion of a county within an area designated by the environmental protection agency as a serious PM-10 nonattainment area or a maintenance […]
49-457.03. Off-road vehicles; pollution advisory days; applicability; penalties A. In area A, as defined in section 49-541, a person shall not operate an off-highway vehicle, an all-terrain vehicle or an off-road recreational motor vehicle on an unpaved surface that is not a public or private road, street or lawful easement during any high pollution advisory […]
49-457.04. Off-highway vehicle and all-terrain vehicle dealers; informational material; outreach; applicability A. Any person who rents or sells in the normal course of business off-highway vehicles, all-terrain vehicles or off-road recreational motor vehicles, other than golf carts sold to public or private golf courses, shall provide to the buyer or renter of the vehicle printed […]
49-457.05. Dust action general permit; best management practices; applicability; definitions A. This section applies in a county with a population of two million or more persons or any portion of a county within an area designated by the environmental protection agency as a serious PM-10 nonattainment area or a maintenance area that was designated as […]
49-458. Regional haze program; authority The department may participate in interstate regional haze programs that are established by the regional planning organization that is authorized for this region pursuant to 40 Code of Federal Regulations part 51, subpart P and the clean air act.