49-1301. Definitions In this article, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. " Eligible entity" means any of the following: (a) A water provider. (b) Any city, town, county, district, commission, authority or other public entity that is organized and that exists under the statutory law of this state or under a voter-approved charter or initiative […]
49-1302. Long-term water augmentation fund A. The long-term water augmentation fund is established to be maintained in perpetuity consisting of all of the following: 1. Monies received from the issuance and sale of long-term water augmentation bonds under section 49-1309. 2. Monies appropriated by the legislature to the fund. 3. Monies received for any allowable […]
49-1303. Long-term water augmentation fund; purposes; limitation A. Monies and other assets in the long-term water augmentation fund may be used for the following purposes: 1. Funding water supply development projects that import water from outside the boundaries of this state. At least seventy-five percent of the monies in the fiscal years 2022-2023, 2023-2024 and […]
49-1304. Evaluation criteria for projects from the long-term water augmentation fund A. The authority shall determine the order and priority of water supply development projects proposed to be funded in whole or in part with monies from the long-term water augmentation fund, participation in projects to import water or allocation of imported water based on […]
49-1305. Opportunity for participation by Colorado River water users For any water supply development project to import water that is proposed to be funded by the authority, the authority shall provide written notice of the proposed project to all entities in this state with an entitlement to water from the Colorado River, including water delivered […]
49-1306. Taxation exemption A. The authority is regarded as performing a governmental function in carrying out the purposes of this article and is not required to pay taxes or assessments on any of the property acquired or constructed for these purposes or on the agreements of the authority pertaining to maintaining and operating water-related facilities […]
49-1307. Financial assistance from the long-term water augmentation fund; terms A. The authority shall consider applications for financial assistance from the long-term water augmentation fund in accordance with section 49-1304 and shall consider the recommendations of the long-term water augmentation committee established by section 49-1208. B. The authority may provide financial assistance from the long-term […]
49-1308. Long-term water augmentation financial assistance; procedures A. In compliance with any applicable requirements, an eligible entity may apply to the authority for and accept and incur indebtedness as a result of financial assistance from the long-term water augmentation fund for water supply development projects. B. The authority shall: 1. Prescribe a simplified form and […]
49-1309. Long-term water augmentation bonds; requirements; authority; exemption from liability A. The authority, through the board, may issue negotiable long-term water augmentation bonds in a principal amount that, in its opinion, is necessary to do all of the following: 1. Provide sufficient monies for water supply development projects and financial assistance for water supply development […]
49-1310. Long-term water augmentation bond obligations of the authority Long-term water augmentation bonds issued under this article are obligations of the authority, are payable only according to their terms and are not general, special or other obligations of this state. The long-term water augmentation bonds do not constitute a legal debt of this state and […]
49-1311. Certification of long-term water augmentation bonds by attorney general A. The board may submit any long-term water augmentation bonds issued under this article to the attorney general after all proceedings for their authorization have been completed. Within fifteen days after submission, the attorney general shall examine and pass on the validity of the long-term […]
49-1312. Long-term water augmentation bonds as legal investments Long-term water augmentation bonds issued under this article are securities: 1. In which public officers and bodies of this state and of municipalities and political subdivisions of this state, all companies, associations and other persons carrying on an insurance business, all financial institutions, investment companies and other […]
49-1313. Agreement of state A. This state pledges to and agrees with the holders of the long-term water augmentation bonds that this state will not limit or alter the rights vested in the authority or any successor agency to collect the monies necessary to produce sufficient revenue to fulfill the terms of any agreements made […]