49-1081. Definitions In this article, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. " Attended facility" means an underground storage tank facility at which it is the usual and customary practice for the owner or operator, or any employee of the owner or operator, to be present on site during normal hours of operation. 2. " Class […]
49-1082. Certification of underground storage tank service providers; rules; suspension or revocation of certification A. Beginning from and after December 31, 1996, a person shall not perform tank services on an underground storage tank system unless the person is certified in accordance with this section and the rules adopted pursuant to this section, or is […]
49-1083. Designation; training; record keeping requirements; rules A. Beginning August 9, 2012, an owner or operator shall designate a class A individual who must be trained pursuant to subsections E and F of this section within thirty days or another period specified by the director after being designated by the owner or operator. B. Beginning […]