9-231. Common council A. The corporate powers of a town incorporated under section 9-101 shall be vested in a common council. The first common council shall be appointed by the board of supervisors, on declaring the town incorporated, and the members shall continue in office until their successors are elected and qualified. The successors shall […]
9-232. Council; qualifications of members; oath; selection of mayor; vacancy A. A person shall not be a member of a city or town council unless, at the time of the election, the person is eighteen years old, is a qualified elector residing within the city or town and has resided in the city or town […]
9-232.01. Salaries The common council may by ordinance or resolution prescribe a daily compensation or salary to be paid the mayor, councilmen and administrative board members for the performance of official duties.
9-232.02. Permitting town councilmen to hold office for four-year staggered terms The common council may, by majority vote of the qualified electors of the town voting thereon, provide for four-year staggered terms for members of the town council in the manner provided in section 9-272, with respect to cities. In the event the common council […]
9-232.03. Alternative procedure for mayor to be directly elected by electors The common council may, by a majority vote of the qualified electors of the town voting thereon either at a regular or special election, provide by ordinance that the mayor shall be directly elected by the electors rather than selected by the common council.
9-232.04. District system as alternative organization A. The common council, by a majority vote of the qualified electors of the town who vote on that issue, may elect to be governed by a district system of municipal government. In accordance with that election, the common council by a majority vote shall adopt a resolution or […]
9-232.05. Town elected officials; term limits; applicability A. By majority vote of the qualified electors of the town voting on the initiative, the qualified electors may by initiative: 1. Enact term limits on the number of terms a member of the common council or mayor may serve. 2. Enforce term limits on the number of […]
9-233. Council meetings; quorum; adjournment The common council shall, by ordinance, fix the time and place of holding stated meetings, and the council may be convened at any time by the mayor. A majority of the councilmen shall constitute a quorum for transacting business but a lesser number may adjourn from time to time and […]
9-234. Power of council to regulate proceedings; records A. The common council shall judge the elections, qualifications and returns of its members. It may prescribe rules for the government of its proceedings, may punish any member or other person for disorderly conduct at any meeting of the council by a fine not exceeding twenty dollars, […]
9-235. Vacancies in council A. The council shall fill a vacancy that may occur by appointment until the next regularly scheduled council election if the vacancy occurs more than thirty days before the nomination petition deadline, otherwise the appointment is for the unexpired term. This subsection does not apply to a charter city. B. The […]
9-236. Mayor; duties The mayor of the common council shall be the chief executive officer of the town, and shall perform such duties as may be prescribed by law and ordinance. In case of the absence of the mayor the council may appoint one of their number to act in his stead.
9-237. Appointive officers In addition to the common council, the officers of every town shall be a town clerk, town marshal, town engineer and other officers deemed necessary by the common council, who shall be appointed as provided by ordinance of the town.
9-238. Duties of appointive officers A. The town clerk shall also be treasurer of the town. The town marshal shall be collector of all taxes of the town. The town engineer shall have charge of the town streets, sewers and water works, and in towns of three thousand or more inhabitants, shall be a competent […]
9-239. Council powers relating to appointive officers A. The common council may prescribe the duties and compensation of all officers of the town, and provide, by ordinance, the manner of filling vacancies in such offices. The council may appoint, from time to time, officers and agents of the town whose appointment is not provided for […]
9-240. General powers of common council A. The common council shall have control of the finances and property of the corporation. B. The common council shall also have power within the limits of the town: 1. To erect, purchase or lease necessary buildings for the purposes of the corporation. 2. To appropriate money and provide […]
9-241. Purchase and sale of property A. The corporation may purchase, receive, hold, lease and convey property, real and personal, necessary or proper to carry out the purposes of the corporation, within or without its limits. B. Every conveyance of real property to the corporation shall be in its corporate name. Conveyances by the corporation […]
9-242. Hospitals A. The corporation may own, operate and control hospitals in the interest of the general welfare. B. The council may lease a hospital to a nonprofit association or corporation organized under state law, on such terms and conditions, and for such consideration, as the council may prescribe.
9-243. Construction of streets and sidewalks; default of property owner; abatement of assessment; appeal; definitions A. The common council may require the proprietor of any block, lot or part of a lot within the town to construct a sidewalk in front thereof of a width and type of construction as it may direct, and may […]
9-244. Levy of taxes A. The common council may levy and collect annually, upon the assessed value of the real and personal property within the town, as shown by the equalized assessment roll of the current year, except such as is, or may be, exempt from taxation under the laws of the state, property taxes […]
9-246. Publication of financial statement The common council shall, at least ten days before the biennial election, publish in a newspaper published in the town, or if there is none, then post in three or more public places in the town, a full and correct statement of all monies received into the treasury of the […]