US Lawyer Database

For Lawyer-Seekers


Section 2050.

2050. The Division of Licensing shall issue one form of certificate to all physicians and surgeons licensed by the board which shall be designated as a “physician’s and surgeon’s certificate.” (Added by Stats. 1980, Ch. 1313, Sec. 2.)

Section 2051.

2051. The physician’s and surgeon’s certificate authorizes the holder to use drugs or devices in or upon human beings and to sever or penetrate the tissues of human beings and to use any and all other methods in the treatment of diseases, injuries, deformities, and other physical and mental conditions. (Added by Stats. 1980, Ch. […]

Section 2052.

2052. (a) Notwithstanding Section 146, any person who practices or attempts to practice, or who advertises or holds himself or herself out as practicing, any system or mode of treating the sick or afflicted in this state, or who diagnoses, treats, operates for, or prescribes for any ailment, blemish, deformity, disease, disfigurement, disorder, injury, or other […]

Section 2053.5.

2053.5. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a person who complies with the requirements of Section 2053.6 shall not be in violation of Section 2051 or 2052 unless that person does any of the following: (1)  Conducts surgery or any other procedure on another person that punctures the skin or harmfully invades the body. (2) […]

Section 2053.6.

2053.6. (a) A person who provides services pursuant to Section 2053.5 that are not unlawful under Section 2051 or 2052 shall, prior to providing those services, do the following: (1) Disclose to the client in a written statement using plain language the following information: (A) That he or she is not a licensed physician. (B) That the treatment is […]

Section 2054.

2054. (a) Any person who uses in any sign, business card, or letterhead, or, in an advertisement, the words “doctor” or “physician,” the letters or prefix “Dr.,” the initials “M.D.,” or any other terms or letters indicating or implying that he or she is a physician and surgeon, physician, surgeon, or practitioner under the terms of […]

Section 2055.

2055. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a person issued a physician’s and surgeon’s certificate by the Medical Board of California pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be entitled to use of the initials “M.D.” (Amended by Stats. 1989, Ch. 886, Sec. 19.)

Section 2056.

2056. (a) The purpose of this section is to provide protection against retaliation for physicians who advocate for medically appropriate health care for their patients pursuant to Wickline v. State of California 192 Cal. App. 3d 1630. (b) It is the public policy of the State of California that a physician and surgeon be encouraged to advocate […]

Section 2056.1.

2056.1. (a) The purpose of this section is to ensure that health care service plans and their contracting entities do not enter into contracts with physicians and surgeons or other licensed health care providers that interfere with any ethical responsibility or legal right of physicians and surgeons or other licensed health care providers to discuss with […]

Section 2058.

2058. (a) Nothing in this chapter prohibits service in the case of emergency, or the domestic administration of family remedies. (b) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prohibit obtaining a blood specimen by skin puncture for the purpose of performing blood glucose testing for the purposes of monitoring a minor child in accordance with paragraph […]

Section 2060.

2060. Nothing in this chapter applies to any practitioner located outside this state, when in actual consultation, whether within this state or across state lines, with a licensed practitioner of this state, or when an invited guest of the California Medical Association or the California Podiatric Medical Association, or one of their component county societies, […]

Section 2061.

2061. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as limiting the practice of other persons licensed, certified, or registered under any other provision of law relating to the healing arts when such person is engaged in his or her authorized and licensed practice. (Added by Stats. 1980, Ch. 1313, Sec. 2.)

Section 2062.

2062. Testing and guidance programs in schools, colleges, and universities and physical fitness tests given by public and private agencies in connection with employment or issuance or renewal of licenses or permits do not constitute the practice of medicine within the meaning or intent of this chapter. (Added by Stats. 1980, Ch. 1313, Sec. 2.)

Section 2063.

2063. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed so as to discriminate against any particular school of medicine or surgery, school or college of podiatric medicine, or any other treatment, nor shall it regulate, prohibit, or apply to any kind of treatment by prayer, nor interfere in any way with the practice of religion. (Added […]

Section 2064.

2064. (a) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent a regularly matriculated student undertaking a course of professional instruction in an approved medical school, or to prevent a foreign medical student who is enrolled in an approved medical school or clinical training program in this state, from engaging in the practice of medicine whenever […]

Section 2064.1.

2064.1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 2064 or any other provisions of this chapter, a regularly matriculated student undertaking a course of professional instruction in a medical school approved by the American Osteopathic Association or the Osteopathic Medical Board of California is eligible for enrollment in elective clerkships or preceptorships in any medical school or […]

Section 2064.2.

2064.2. No medical school or clinical training program shall deny access to elective clerkships or preceptorships in any medical school or clinical training program in this state solely on the basis that a student is enrolled in an osteopathic medical school. Any violation of this section or Section 2064.1 may be enjoined in an action […]

Section 2064.3.

2064.3. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, except as specified in subdivision (b), no student, including a person without lawful immigration status, a person who is exempt from nonresident tuition pursuant to Section 68130.5 of the Education Code, or a person who is both without lawful immigration status and exempt from nonresident tuition pursuant to Section 68130.5 […]

Section 2064.4.

2064.4. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, except as specified in subdivision (b), no student, including a person without lawful immigration status, a person who is exempt from nonresident tuition pursuant to Section 68130.5 of the Education Code, or a person who is both without lawful immigration status and exempt from nonresident tuition pursuant to Section 68130.5 […]

Section 2064.5.

2064.5. (a) Within 180 days after enrollment in a board-approved postgraduate training program pursuant to Section 2065, medical school graduates shall obtain a physician’s and surgeon’s postgraduate training license. To be considered for a postgraduate training license, the applicant shall submit the application forms and primary source documents required by the board, shall successfully pass all […]