7200. (a) In each county containing less than five Assembly districts, a county committee shall be elected by supervisor districts, and the number to be elected from any supervisor district shall be determined as follows: There shall be taken the number of votes cast in the supervisor district at the last gubernatorial election for that party’s […]
7201. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in a county of the fifth class as defined in Section 28026 of the Government Code, the elected members of the county central committee shall be elected by Assembly districts and shall consist of six members elected from each Assembly district, whether wholly or partly within the county, […]
7201.1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in the County of Sacramento, the elected members of the county central committee shall be elected by supervisor districts with six members elected from each supervisor district. Each member shall be a resident of the county and of the supervisor district that the member represents. Only a person […]
7201.2. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in the County of Alameda, the elected members of the county central committee shall be elected by Assembly districts and the number to be elected from any Assembly district shall be determined as follows: There shall be taken the number of votes cast in that portion of the […]
7202. In each county containing more than four and less than 20 Assembly districts, a county central committee shall be elected from Assembly districts and shall consist of six members elected from each Assembly district. (Enacted by Stats. 1994, Ch. 920, Sec. 2.)
7203. In each county containing 20 or more Assembly districts a county central committee shall consist of seven members elected from each Assembly district contained either wholly or partially within the county. In an Assembly district that lies only partially within a county containing 20 or more Assembly districts, the seven members shall be elected […]
7204. (a) In the City and County of San Francisco, the county central committee shall be elected from the two Assembly districts located in the city and county and shall consist of 24 members. Whichever of the two Assembly districts consists of the majority of the registered Democrats in the city and county shall elect 14 […]
7205. Notwithstanding this article, each county central committee by resolution may provide for the election of all or a portion of central committee members to represent individual central committee districts. The member shall reside in the district he or she represents but shall be elected at large within the Assembly district in which the county […]
7206. In each county the nominee of this party for Senator or the incumbent Senator, the nominees of this party for the Assembly, and any person elected to either the Senate or Assembly at a special election to fill a vacancy in that house, and the nominee of this party for Representative in Congress, and […]
7207. The incumbent or nominee of each of the following offices shall be an ex officio member of the committee in the county in which he or she resides: (a) Governor. (b) Lieutenant Governor. (c) Secretary of State. (d) Controller. (e) Treasurer. (f) Attorney General. (g) Member of the State Board of Equalization. (h) United States Senator from California. His or her rights […]
7208. A committee may authorize any member of that committee, whether elected or ex officio, to appoint an alternate if a member desires to appoint an alternate. An incumbent Member of the Senate or Assembly at the time of the meeting of the committee may appoint an alternate member without authorization from that committee, if […]
7209. (a) A person is not eligible for election to a committee if the person’s affidavit of registration does not state a political party preference for this party at the time of the person’s election. (b) Notwithstanding subdivision (a) or Section 8001, a person who is not a United States citizen, but who would be eligible to […]
7211. In the event that the candidates elected to a committee from a district do not equal the number of party committeepersons to which the district is entitled to be represented, a vacancy or vacancies exist to the extent of the difference between the number of elected committeepersons and the number of committeepersons by which […]
7212. In the event of the appointment or election to a committee of an ineligible person, or whenever any member of the committee dies, resigns or becomes incapacitated to act, or removes from the jurisdiction of the committee, or ceases to be a member of this party, a vacancy exists which shall be filled by […]
7213. Any member of a committee, other than an ex officio member, who misses more than three consecutive regularly called meetings may be removed by a vote of the committee concerned, unless his or her absence is caused by illness or temporary absence from the county on the date of the meeting. (Enacted by Stats. […]
7214. The removal of residence by an elected or appointed member of a committee from the Assembly district or supervisor district from which he or she has been elected or appointed a member of that committee shall constitute his or her automatic resignation from the committee. (Enacted by Stats. 1994, Ch. 920, Sec. 2.)
7215. A committee may remove any member, other than an ex officio member, who during his or her term of membership affiliates with, or registers as a member of another party, who publicly advocates that the voters should not vote for the nominee of this party for any office, or who gives support or avows […]
7216. Whenever any person is appointed to fill a vacancy on a committee, the chairperson of the committee shall file notices of the appointment with the elections official and the chairperson of the state central committee within 30 days after it is made. The notices shall contain the name and address of the person appointed […]