Section 211.
211. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Judicial Council may provide by rule for the practice and procedure in proceedings under this code. (Enacted by Stats. 1992, Ch. 162, Sec. 10. Operative January 1, 1994.)
211. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Judicial Council may provide by rule for the practice and procedure in proceedings under this code. (Enacted by Stats. 1992, Ch. 162, Sec. 10. Operative January 1, 1994.)
211.5. (a) (1) Commencing January 1, 2024, in proceedings under this code, a court shall provide self-identified veterans with a list of resources for veterans, including information about how to contact the local office of the Department of Veterans Affairs. (2) The veteran may, at their discretion, provide the information about their veteran status on the Judicial Council […]
212. A petition, response, application, opposition, or other pleading filed with the court under this code shall be verified. (Enacted by Stats. 1992, Ch. 162, Sec. 10. Operative January 1, 1994.)
213. (a) In a hearing on an order to show cause, or on a modification thereof, or in a hearing on a motion, other than for contempt, the responding party may seek affirmative relief alternative to that requested by the moving party, on the same issues raised by the moving party, by filing a responsive declaration […]
214. Except as otherwise provided in this code or by court rule, the court may, when it considers it necessary in the interests of justice and the persons involved, direct the trial of any issue of fact joined in a proceeding under this code to be private, and may exclude all persons except the officers […]
216. (a) In the absence of a stipulation by the parties to the contrary, there shall be no ex parte communication between the attorneys for any party to an action and any court-appointed or court-connected evaluator or mediator, or between a court-appointed or court-connected evaluator or mediator and the court, in any proceedings under this code, […]
217. (a) At a hearing on any order to show cause or notice of motion brought pursuant to this code, absent a stipulation of the parties or a finding of good cause pursuant to subdivision (b), the court shall receive any live, competent testimony that is relevant and within the scope of the hearing and the […]
218. With respect to the ability to conduct formal discovery in family law proceedings, when a request for order or other motion is filed and served after entry of judgment, discovery shall automatically reopen as to the issues raised in the postjudgment pleadings currently before the court. The date initially set for trial of the […]