160. The line run and marked by the United States Government under the Act of June 10, 1872, 17 Stat. 358 (1872) from the southern boundary of the State of Oregon to the 39th degree of north latitude and the line established and marked by the United States coast and geodetic survey, as completed in […]
170. To give greater precision to the boundary of the State of California as defined in Article XXI of the Constitution, it is hereby declared that the part of the boundary which is described as “running in a northwesterly direction and following the direction of the Pacific Coast to the forty-second degree of north latitude,” […]
171. All waters between the mainland and the outermost of the islands, reefs and rocks along and adjacent to the coast of the State of California from which the boundary of the State is measured, and all waters between the islands, reefs and rocks themselves, are declared to be and to have been in the […]
172. The reference in Section 1 of Article XV of the Constitution to “the navigable waters of this State,” the reference in Section 2 of the same article to “a harbor, bay, inlet, estuary, or other navigable water in this State,” and the reference in Section 3 of the same article to “the waters of […]