99500. (a) The Governor is the primary state officer representing California’s interest in international affairs, to the extent that representation is not in conflict with federal law or the California Constitution, and except as otherwise specified in this title, to the extent this title is not in conflict with federal law or the California Constitution. (b) The […]
99501. (a) (1) The state point of contact, within the executive branch, acts, in compliance with federal practice, as the liaison between the state and the Office of the United States Trade Representative on trade-related matters. (2) The state point of contact who, in compliance with federal practice, receives updates from the federal government on trade policies, is […]
99502. (a) The Office of Planning and Research shall maintain and update, a full and comprehensive list of all state agreements made with foreign governments. The list shall be updated within 30 days of the effective date of each new agreement. The list shall include at least all of the following: (1) The dates of enactment or […]
99503. (a) (1) All state employees working under the jurisdiction of an agency secretary shall, within 30 days of traveling out of the country on official state business provide, to the secretary to whom they report, a memorandum detailing dates of the trip, countries and localities visited, a description of attendees of any official meetings or events, […]