26100. (a) The board of supervisors may levy a special tax pursuant to Article 3.5 (commencing with Section 50075) of Chapter 1 of Part 1 of Division 1 of Title 5, and spend the proceeds for the purpose of inducing immigration to, and increasing the trade and commerce of, the county. The proceeds of the special […]
26101. If the proceeds from the special tax levied pursuant to Section 26100 will not raise fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) in any one year, the board may appropriate from the general fund of the county an amount sufficient to make up the deficiency existing between the amount raised as the result of the special tax […]
26102. The tax authorized by this chapter is in addition to any tax authorized by this part to be levied for fair purposes. (Added by Stats. 1947, Ch. 424.)
26103. The board may use any portion of the fund raised pursuant to this chapter in furnishing music and musical appearances, either within or outside of the boundaries of its county, in connection with, as an adjunct to, or for the purpose of supplementing and calling attention to advertising, exploiting, and making known the resources […]
26104. The board of supervisors may create a body for the purpose of advising and assisting it in the matter of advertising, exploiting, and making known the resources of the county, for the purposes of this chapter. The body shall be designated by the board as the county board of trade of the county or […]
26105. The board of supervisors shall adopt rules for conducting the affairs of the board of trade or chamber of commerce, which shall not conflict with law nor usurp the powers vested by law in any officer of the county. (Added by Stats. 1947, Ch. 424.)
26106. Under the direction of the board of supervisors, the county board of trade or county chamber of commerce shall advertise, exploit, and make known and exhibit the agricultural, mineral, manufacturing, and other resources of the county, and, when directed by the board of supervisors, collect, prepare, and maintain an exhibit of the products and […]
26107. The board of supervisors may appoint a secretary to the county board of trade or county chamber of commerce and may fix his salary, which shall be paid from the advertising fund of the county in the same manner as county officers are paid. (Added by Stats. 1947, Ch. 424.)
26108. The board of supervisors may provide that the members of the county board of trade or county chamber of commerce established under Section 26104 shall receive their actual and necessary traveling expenses to and from the place of meeting of such board or chamber of commerce and while traveling in connection with the business […]
26109. A county board of supervisors may, by ordinance, provide for and regulate the sale of advertising space on county real or personal property, for the sole purpose of raising revenue for the county. Any such advertising shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 5200) of Division 3 of the Business […]
26110. (a) A county board of supervisors may, by ordinance, provide for the following commercial uses of county property listed in subdivision (b) provided that: (1) a county of the first class develops a viable marketing plan, and (2) all other counties comply with all of the following: (1) Consults with a qualified licensing agent to develop […]