26480. The proceeds from the sale of all bonds authorized under the provisions of this chapter shall be paid into the county treasury to the credit of a bond fund or enterprise fund, one of which the treasurer is hereby directed to establish for the particular project for which the bonds were authorized. These moneys […]
26481. If any surplus shall exist in a bond fund or enterprise fund after the payment in full of all costs of acquisition, construction and completion of the project for which the revenue bonds were issued, the same may be disbursed for any of the purposes provided for in this chapter or in any agreement […]
26482. The board may provide for the payment of the interest becoming due and payment on the principal of revenue bonds prior to and during the period of actual construction of the project for which the bonds are issued and for the period specified in the indenture for the issuance of the bonds, which period […]
26483. Moneys in a bond fund or enterprise fund not required to meet acquisition or constructions costs or expenses payable from the construction fund or interest on the bonds, may be invested in bonds and other obligations eligible for investment of surplus county moneys; subject to such limitations as may be provided in the proceedings […]
26484. All revenues received from the operation of the project acquired, constructed or completed by the board shall be paid into the county treasury to the credit of either an enterprise fund or a special revenue fund established for the particular project for which the bonds were authorized. The moneys shall be utilized for: (a) Payment […]