25250. At least biennially the board of supervisors shall examine and audit, or cause to be audited, the financial accounts and records of all officers having responsibility for the care, management, collection, or disbursement of money belonging to the county or money received or disbursed by them under authority of law. The audit shall encompass […]
25251. The board shall examine, settle, and allow all accounts legally chargeable against the county, except salaries of officers and such demands as are authorized by law to be allowed by some other person or tribunal, and order warrants to be drawn on the county treasurer therefor. When several allowances are made on the same […]
25252. The board of supervisors shall establish or abolish, those funds as are necessary for the proper transaction of the business of the county, and may transfer money from one fund to another, as the public interest requires. The board may by resolution authorize the county auditor to perform one or more of these functions. […]
25252.5. The board of supervisors may in its discretion establish: (a) A revolving fund of an amount not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000) from which the county probation officer may make loans to probationers. (b) Rules for the operation of said fund. (c) Standards governing the terms and conditions of such loans. The maximum amount of indebtedness […]
25252.6. The board of supervisors may in its discretion establish and determine the amount of, or may by resolution authorize the county auditor to establish and determine the amount of, a revolving cash trust fund for the purpose of eliminating delays which adversely affect the official operation of offices and departments of the county resulting […]
25253. Annually the board shall cause to be prepared and published a statistical report showing in compendious form all the financial transactions of the county for the last fiscal year, exhibiting separately the receipts and expenditures by or on account of all courts and each office, board, commission, institution, and departments, and classifying the principal […]
25254. The board may cause to be prepared and printed: (a) An annual statement showing valuations of property, taxes levied, tax rates, legal requirements, and other information on assessment of property and collections of taxes. (b) An annual budget adopted by the board of supervisors. (c) County ordinances and reports or statements of rules or procedures of the […]
25256. Except as permitted by the Constitution, the board shall not for any purpose contract debts or liabilities which exceed in any fiscal year the income and revenue provided for that year. Any debts or liabilities contracted and any allowances made contrary to this section are void. The auditor shall not draw nor shall the […]
25257. (a) Any department, officer, or employee of a county charged by law with the collection of any county or district tax assessment, penalty, cost, license fees, or any money, which is due and payable to the county or district for any reason, may apply to the board of supervisors for a discharge from accountability for […]
25258. The application for a discharge from accountability under Section 25257 shall include: (a) The amount owing. (b) Except where disclosure of such information is prohibited by state or federal law, the names of the assessees or persons liable and the amounts owed by each, which may be by reference to specific documents incorporated thereby in the […]
25259. The board of supervisors may make an order discharging the department, officer, or employee from further accountability and direct the county auditor to adjust any charge against the department, officer, or employee in a like amount. The discharge from accountability does not constitute a release of any person from liability for payment of any […]
25259.5. The board of supervisors may, by resolution, authorize and designate the county auditor to exercise the powers set forth in Sections 25257 through 25259. (Amended by Stats. 1977, Ch. 159.)
25259.7. Any collection program that is operated by a court may apply to the presiding judge of the court for a discharge from accountability for any court-ordered debt or bail that it would otherwise be responsible for collecting, if the amount is too small to justify the cost of collection or the likelihood of collection […]
25259.8. (a) The application for a discharge from accountability under Section 25259.7 shall include the following: (1) The amount owing. (2) The names of the persons liable and the amounts owed by each, which may be by reference to specific documents incorporated in the application, except where disclosure of that information is prohibited by state or federal law. […]
25259.9. (a) The presiding judge may make an order discharging the collection program from further accountability. The order shall have the same effect as a discharge from accountability under Section 25259, which relieves the applicant from any further responsibility for collecting the discharged debt, and does not constitute a release of any person from liability for […]
25259.95. The presiding judge may authorize and designate another judge in the court to exercise the powers of the presiding judge set forth in Sections 25259.7, 25259.8, and 25259.9. (Added by Stats. 2010, Ch. 720, Sec. 12. (SB 857) Effective October 19, 2010.)
25260. The board of supervisors may by resolution create one or more working capital funds. The board may make available such amounts as are necessary to establish each fund and to maintain its solvency. At the beginning of any fiscal year the board may provide by resolution for the transfer of any or all of […]
25261. The board shall by resolution create enterprise funds specified as mandatory by the State Controller pursuant to regulations adopted under the provisions of Section 30200. The board may by resolution create enterprise funds in addition to those specified as mandatory. The board shall make available such amounts as are necessary to establish each fund […]
25262. The county budget may contain a provision for an equipment replacement reserve within a fund. The amount in this reserve shall be identified with the class of fixed assets, and may accumulate from year to year, but at no time shall it exceed the estimated replacement cost of the items of fixed assets for […]
25263. Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the board of supervisors of a county may, by resolution, establish and maintain a reserve account to insure against its liability or the liability of its employees for injuries, for liability under the workers’ compensation laws, for casualty losses incurred by the county, and for providing health […]