25351.2. In the operation of a county art institute, the board may charge fees necessary to defray the cost of instruction and may issue certificates evidencing the completion of courses of instruction to the satisfaction of the board. (Added by Stats. 1955, Ch. 586.)
25351.3. In addition to its other powers and duties, the board of supervisors may do any or all of the following: (a) Acquire land for and construct, lease, sublease, build, furnish, refurnish, or repair buildings for superior courts and for convention and exhibition halls, trade and industrial centers, auditoriums, opera houses, music halls and centers, motion […]
25351.35. In the case of any contract or lease described in subdivision (b) of Section 25351.3, obligating the county to make payments or incur obligations of one million dollars ($1,000,000) or more, the board shall not enter into such contract or lease unless and until the board has submitted such contract or lease to the […]
25351.4. As used in Section 25351.3, the term “motion picture and television museums” means a museum which includes, but is not limited to, any one or more of the following facilities: (a) Completely equipped sound stages suitable for demonstrating to the public the actual filming of motion picture or television sequences; (b) Theater facilities suitable for public […]
25351.5. When a county owns, leases or operates a convention hall, an exhibition hall, an auditorium, an opera house, a music hall and center, a museum, an art gallery, or an amphitheater as a place of public assembly for the use, benefit and enjoyment of the public, the board of supervisors may by ordinance levy […]
25351.6. As used in Section 25351.3 the term “related facilities,” in connection with music halls or centers constructed and operated pursuant thereto, shall include, without limitation thereto, any institutes or academies for the performing arts, specifically including the arts of music, drama, and dance, and any other facilities which in the opinion of the board […]
25352. The board may purchase, acquire, construct, equip, and maintain all necessary tanks, reservoirs, pumps, apparatus, motor vehicles, and other machinery necessary or proper to facilitate the performance of the work in the county. (Added by Stats. 1947, Ch. 424.)
25353. The board may purchase, receive by donation, lease, or otherwise acquire water rights or real or personal property necessary for use of the county for any county buildings, public pleasure grounds, public parks, botanical gardens, harbors, historical monuments, and other public purposes, or upon which to sink wells to obtain water for sprinkling roads […]
25354. The board shall receive from the United States, or other sources, lands and other property granted or donated to the county for the purpose of aiding in the erection of county buildings, roads, bridges, or other specific purposes, and may use the property for such purposes and provide for its sale and the application […]
25355. The board may accept or reject any gift, bequest, or devise made to or in favor of the county, or to or in favor of the board in trust for any public purpose. The board may delegate to any county officer or employee the power to accept any gift, bequest, or devise made to […]
25356. If any gift, bequest, or devise is unaccompanied by any provision prescribing or limiting the uses and purposes to which the property received, or the income or increase thereof, may be put, it may be put to any uses and purposes which the board prescribes, and the proceeds or income therefrom shall be paid […]
25357. Whenever any public building belongs to or is used by a county and is situate on land dedicated to public use but which is not owned by the county in fee, the board may select and acquire a new site for the building and erect a new building or remodel an existing building on […]
25358. The board shall provide all necessary officers, employees, attendants, services, and supplies for the proper maintenance, care, and upkeep of the county buildings and grounds, and the board may contract therefor pursuant to Article 3.5 (commencing with Section 20120) of Part 3 of the Public Contract Code. (Amended by Stats. 2004, Ch. 183, Sec. […]
25359. The board may provide for the working of prisoners confined in the county jail under judgment of conviction of misdemeanors, under the direction of a responsible person appointed by the sheriff, upon the public grounds, roads, streets, alleys, highways, firebreaks, fire roads, riding or hiking trails, or public buildings, or in such other places […]
25360. A county may establish and maintain a facility to provide security for victims of and witnesses to crimes who have been or may be subjected to threats or intimidation for the purpose of dissuading or preventing them from attending or giving testimony at any trial, proceeding, or inquiry authorized by law. (Added by Stats. […]
25361. The board may insure county buildings and other property in the name and for the benefit of the county. It may procure indemnity insurance, including excess fidelity insurance, against loss or liability on account of burglary, forgery, embezzlement, defalcation, or other insurable hazards. All insurance and indemnity shall be procured only from admitted insurers. […]
25362. The board may grant and convey real property to the United States or any of its agencies, for use for public purposes, in consideration of the grant and conveyance of real property to the county by the United States or any of its agencies. (Added by Stats. 1947, Ch. 424.)
25363. The board of supervisors may sell or lease at public auction, and convey to the highest bidder, for cash, any property belonging to the county not required for public use. The sale or lease may be made at the courthouse door or at such other place within the county as the board orders by […]
25364. The board may dispose of surplus plants, trees, shrubs, and nursery stock belonging to the county and not required for public use, by public or private sale, or by exchanging them with any person or any other public body for other property required by the county. The sale or exchange may be made without […]
25365. (a) The board of supervisors may, by a four-fifths vote, grant, convey, quitclaim, assign, or otherwise transfer to the state or to any community redevelopment agency, housing authority, community development commission, surplus property authority, federal agency, city, school district, county board of education, special district, joint powers agency, or any other public agency within the […]