25800. The board of supervisors shall adopt orders and enact ordinances not in conflict with State or federal laws necessary for the preservation of the health of domestic livestock, and provide for the payment of all expenses incurred in enforcing them. The expenses of enforcement are a county charge and are payable in the same […]
25801. The board may enter into agreements with the Director of Agriculture for the purpose of cooperating in the administration and enforcement of those provisions of law subject to the jurisdiction of the Department of Agriculture or county agricultural commissioners, county sealers of weights and measures, and county livestock inspectors. (Added by Stats. 1947, Ch. […]
25802. The board may maintain, regulate, and govern public animal shelters, fix the limits within which animals shall not run at large, and appoint shelter directors. All expenses of operation and maintenance and the compensation of the shelter directors shall be paid out of the fines imposed and collected from the owners of impounded animals, […]
25803. The board may provide for the prevention of injuries to sheep by dogs, and for the destruction and control of predatory animals, and may tax the possessors of dogs and direct the application of the tax. The board may, by ordinance, require veterinarians licensed pursuant to Chapter 11 (commencing with Section 4800) of Division […]