US Lawyer Database

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Section 66630.

66630. The commission shall make a continuing review of all the matters referred to in Section 66603 and Section 66651. (Amended by Stats. 1982, Ch. 413, Sec. 2.5.)

Section 66631.

66631. In making the review, the commission shall cooperate to the fullest extent possible with the Association of Bay Area Governments; and shall, to the fullest extent possible, coordinate its planning with planning by local agencies, which shall retain the responsibility for local land use planning. To avoid duplication of work, the commission shall make […]

Section 66632.

66632. (a) Any person or governmental agency wishing to place fill, to extract materials, or to make any substantial change in use of any water, land or structure, within the area of the commission’s jurisdiction shall secure a permit from the commission and, if required by law or by ordinance, from any city or county within […]

Section 66632.1.

66632.1. Nothing in this title shall apply to any project where necessary local governmental approval and a Department of the Army Corps of Engineers permit have been obtained to allow commencement of the diking or filling process, and where such diking or filling process has commenced prior to the effective date of this title, nor […]

Section 66632.2.

66632.2. (a) The owner or operator of any public service facilities need not obtain a permit from the commission for the construction within or upon any public highway or street of any public service facilities to provide service to persons or property located within the area of the commission’s jurisdiction. The public service facilities referred to […]

Section 66632.4.

66632.4. Within any portion or portions of the shoreline band that are located outside the boundaries of water-oriented priority land uses, as fixed and established pursuant to Section 66611, the commission may deny an application for a permit for a proposed project only on the grounds that the project fails to provide maximum feasible public […]

Section 66633.

66633. The commission may: (a) Accept grants, contributions, and appropriations from any public agency, private foundation, or individual. (b) Appoint committees from its membership and appoint advisory committees from other interested public and private groups. (c) Contract for or employ any professional services required by the commission or for the performance of work and services which in its […]

Section 66633.1.

66633.1. The Legislature finds and declares that because the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission must rely on the expertise provided by volunteer members of advisory boards to make decisions which relate to the public safety, members of the advisory boards should be entitled to the same immunity from liability provided commission members and […]

Section 66634.

66634. The commission shall, in addition to any funds which the Legislature may appropriate for planning activities of the commission, take whatever steps are necessary to attempt to obtain money available of such planning activities from any federal, state, or local sources. (Added by Stats. 1965, Ch. 1162.)

Section 66635.

66635. The commission shall appoint an executive director who shall have charge of administering the affairs of the commission, subject to the direction and policies of the commission. The executive director shall, subject to approval of the commission, appoint such employees as may be necessary in order to carry out the functions of the commission. […]

Section 66636.

66636. Within a reasonable time, but not to exceed one year from the date of the first meeting of the commission, the chairman of the commission, in collaboration with and with the concurrence of the commission, shall appoint a citizens’ advisory committee to assist and advise the commission in carrying out its functions. The advisory […]

Section 66637.

66637. (a) When the executive director determines that a person or governmental agency has undertaken, or is threatening to undertake, an activity that (1) may require a permit from the commission without securing a permit; or (2) may be inconsistent with a permit previously issued by the commission, the executive director may issue an order directing […]

Section 66638.

66638. (a) When the commission, after public hearing, determines that a person or governmental agency has undertaken, or is threatening to undertake, an activity that (1) requires a permit from the commission without securing a permit, or (2) is inconsistent with a permit previously issued by the commission, the commission may issue an order requiring the […]

Section 66639.

66639. (a) Within 30 days after service of a copy of a cease and desist order issued by the executive director under Section 66637 or the commission under Section 66638, any aggrieved party may file with the superior court a petition for writ of mandate for review thereof pursuant to Section 1094.5 of the Code of […]

Section 66640.

66640. (a) Upon the failure of a person to comply with a permit or a cease and desist order issued by the executive director or the commission, or with any provision of this title, the Attorney General, upon request of the commission, shall petition the superior court for the issuance of a preliminary or permanent injunction, […]

Section 66640.1.

66640.1. The commission shall create and implement all of the following by the end of the 2020–21 fiscal year: (a) A procedure to ensure that managers perform a documented review of staff decisions in enforcement cases. (b) Timelines for resolving enforcement cases. (c) A penalty matrix for assessing fines and civil penalties. (d) A method for assessing civil penalties […]

Section 66641.

66641. (a) Any person or governmental agency who intentionally or negligently violates any cease and desist order issued, reissued, or amended by the commission or the executive director may be liable civilly in a sum of not to exceed six thousand dollars ($6,000) for each day in which such violation persists. (b) The Attorney General, upon request […]

Section 66641.5.

66641.5. (a) In addition to any other penalties, any person or entity who violates this title is subject to a civil penalty of not to exceed thirty thousand dollars ($30,000). In determining the amount of a civil penalty, the court shall consider the factors listed in subdivision (a) of Section 66641.9. (b) In addition to any other […]

Section 66641.6.

66641.6. (a) The executive director of the commission may issue a complaint to any person or entity on whom administrative civil liability may be imposed pursuant to this article. The complaint shall allege the act or failure to act that constitutes a violation of law, the provision of law authorizing civil liability to be imposed pursuant […]

Section 66641.7.

66641.7. (a) Within 30 days after service of an order issued under Section 66641.6, any aggrieved party may file with the superior court a petition for writ of mandate for review thereof pursuant to Section 1094.5 of the Code of Civil Procedure. If no aggrieved party petitions for a writ of mandate within the time provided […]