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Home » US Law » 2022 California Code » Health and Safety Code - HSC » DIVISION 2 - LICENSING PROVISIONS » CHAPTER 3.15 - Medical Foster Homes for Veterans

Section 1568.21.

1568.21. The following definitions shall apply for purposes of this chapter: (a) “Activities of daily living” has the same meaning as that term is defined in Section 17.62 of Title 38 of the Code of Federal Regulations. (b) “Care and supervision” means the medical foster home for veterans licensee assumes responsibility for, or provides or promises to […]

Section 1568.22.

1568.22. (a) The department may establish a medical foster home for veterans program in California pursuant to this chapter no sooner than July 1, 2024. (b) A medical foster home for veterans established pursuant to that program is subject to licensure and regulation by the department and shall satisfy all of the following requirements: (1) Comply with Sections […]

Section 1568.23.

1568.23. (a) No person shall operate, establish, manage, conduct, or maintain a medical foster home for veterans in this state without a current valid license, as provided in this chapter. (b) A license is not transferable. No license issued pursuant to this chapter shall have any property value for sale or exchange purposes, and no person, including […]

Section 1568.24.

1568.24. (a) A person seeking a license for a medical foster home for veterans under this chapter shall file with the department, pursuant to rules, regulations, and written directives, an application that shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following: (1) Evidence satisfactory to the department of the applicant’s ability to comply with this […]

Section 1568.25.

1568.25. (a) The department may suspend or revoke a license issued under this chapter, in the manner provided in subdivision (b), upon any of the following grounds: (1) A licensee violates this chapter or the rules, regulations, and written directives adopted pursuant to this chapter. (2) Aiding, abetting, or permitting the violation of this chapter or of the […]

Section 1568.255.

1568.255. Proceedings for the suspension, revocation, or denial of a license under this chapter shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 11500) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code, and the department shall have all the powers granted by these provisions. In […]

Section 1568.26.

1568.26. A license shall be forfeited by operation of law when one of the following occurs: (a) The licensee sells or otherwise transfers the medical foster home for veterans or medical foster home for veterans property. (b) The licensee surrenders the license to the department. (c) The licensee moves a medical foster home for veterans from one location […]

Section 1568.27.

1568.27. (a) (1) Every licensed medical foster home for veterans shall be periodically inspected and evaluated for quality of care by a representative or representatives designated by the department. Unannounced inspections shall be conducted at least annually and as often as necessary to ensure the quality of care being provided. (2) During each licensing inspection, the department shall […]

Section 1568.271.

1568.271. (a) Upon receipt of a complaint, other than a complaint alleging a denial of a statutory right of access to a medical foster home for veterans, the department shall make a preliminary review and, unless the department determines that the complaint is willfully intended to harass a licensee or is without a reasonable basis, conduct […]

Section 1568.28.

1568.28. (a) (1) No unlicensed medical foster home for veterans, as defined in paragraph (3), shall operate in this state. (2) Upon discovery of an unlicensed medical foster home for veterans, the department shall refer residents to the appropriate placement or adult protective services agency or the appropriate local or state long-term care ombudsman, if either of the […]

Section 1568.29.

1568.29. (a) Prior to licensure, the following individuals shall be subject to and complete a background check pursuant to Section 1522: (1) An applicant. (2) An adult residing or regularly present in an applicant or licensee’s home. (3) Additional individuals who have contact with a client, as determined necessary by the department by rules, regulations, or written directives. (b) Subsequent […]

Section 1568.295.

1568.295. (a) The department may prohibit a person from being a licensee or a licensee from employing, continuing the employment of, allowing in a licensed medical foster home for veterans, or allowing contact with a veteran resident of a licensed medical foster home for veterans by an employee, prospective employee, or person who is not a […]

Section 1568.296.

1568.296. (a) (1) If the department determines that a person was issued a license under this chapter, Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 1200), Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 1250), Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 1500), Chapter 3.01 (commencing with Section 1568.01), Chapter 3.2 (commencing with Section 1569), Chapter 3.3 (commencing with Section 1570), Chapter 3.4 (commencing with […]

Section 1568.30.

1568.30. (a) A medical foster home caregiver and relief caregiver shall provide the department written evidence of all initial and ongoing training received as required by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. Written evidence shall be provided to the department within 30 days of completion of each training. (b) A medical foster home caregiver and relief […]

Section 1568.40.

1568.40. (a) The department shall adopt, amend, or repeal, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code), regulations to implement this chapter. (b) Until regulations are adopted, the department may implement and administer the licensing of medical foster homes […]