1644.7. Any entity that receives genetic material of a human being that may be used for conception shall provide to the person depositing his or her genetic material a form for use by the depositor that, if signed by the depositor, would satisfy the conditions set forth in Section 249.5 of the Probate Code, regarding […]
1644.8. Any entity that receives genetic material of a human being that may be used for conception shall make available to the person depositing his or her genetic material a form that, if signed by the depositor, would revoke any previous expression of intent regarding the use of his or her genetic material necessary to […]
1644.9. This chapter does not apply to the application of somatic nuclear transfer technology to the creation of a human being that shares all of its nuclear genes with the person donating the implanted nucleus, commonly known as human cloning. For purposes of this section, the phrase “somatic cell nuclear transfer” means the process in […]