US Lawyer Database

For Lawyer-Seekers


Section 21401.

21401. Sovereignty in the space above the land and waters of this state rests in the state, except where granted to and assumed by the United States pursuant to a constitutional grant from the people of the state. The operation of aircraft in such space is a privilege subject to the laws of this state. […]

Section 21402.

21402. The ownership of the space above the land and waters of this State is vested in the several owners of the surface beneath, subject to the right of flight described in Section 21403. No use shall be made of such airspace which would interfere with such right of flight; provided, that any use of […]

Section 21403.

21403. (a) Flight in aircraft over the land and waters of this state is lawful, unless at altitudes below those prescribed by federal authority, or unless conducted so as to be imminently dangerous to persons or property lawfully on the land or water beneath. The landing of an aircraft on the land or waters of another, […]

Section 21404.

21404. Liability of the owner or pilot of an aircraft carrying passengers for injury or death to the passengers is determined by the rules of law applicable to torts on the land or waters of this state, arising out of similar relationships. Every owner of an aircraft is liable and responsible for death or injury […]

Section 21404.1.

21404.1. (a) The liability of an owner, bailee of an owner, or personal representative of a decedent imposed by Section 21404 and not arising through the relationship of principal and agent or master and servant is limited to the amount of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) for the death of or injury to one person in any […]

Section 21405.

21405. The liability of the owner of one aircraft to the owner of another aircraft, or to operators or passengers on either aircraft, for damage caused by collision on land or in the air, is determined by the rules of law applicable to torts on land. (Amended by Stats. 1975, Ch. 1052.)

Section 21407.

21407. It is unlawful for any person to operate an aircraft in the air, or on the ground or water in a careless or reckless manner so as to endanger the life or property of another. In any proceeding charging operation of aircraft in violation of this section, the court in determining whether the operation […]

Section 21407.1.

21407.1. (a) It is unlawful for any person, who is under the influence of an alcoholic beverage or any drug, or the combined influence of an alcoholic beverage and any drug, to operate an aircraft in the air, or on the ground or water, or to engage in parachuting for sport. (b) No person shall operate an […]

Section 21407.2.

21407.2. (a) (1) (A) Any person who operates an aircraft in the air or on the ground or water is deemed to have given his or her consent to chemical testing of his or her blood or breath for the purpose of determining the alcoholic content of his or her blood, if lawfully arrested for any offense allegedly […]

Section 21407.6.

21407.6. (a) Any person convicted under Section 21407.1 shall be punished upon a first conviction by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than 30 days nor more than six months or by a fine of not less than two hundred fifty dollars ($250) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) or by both that […]

Section 21408.

21408. For any violation of Section 21407 or 21407.1, in addition to the penalties provided by Section 21019 or 21407.6, the court may prohibit the violator from operating an aircraft within the state for a period not exceeding one year. Violation of the prohibition of the court may be treated as a separate offense under […]

Section 21409.

21409. It is unlawful for any person to engage in aeronautics as an airman in the State unless he has an appropriate effective airman certificate, permit, rating, or license issued by the United States authorizing him to engage in the particular class of aeronautics in which he is engaged, if the certificate, permit, rating, or […]

Section 21410.

21410. Every airman shall keep any certificate, permit, rating, or license required for him by the United States in his personal possession when he is operating within the state. He shall present it for inspection upon the demand of any peace officer, any other officer of the state or of a political subdivision, or member, […]

Section 21411.

21411. It is unlawful for any person to operate, or cause or authorize to be operated, any civil aircraft within this State unless the aircraft has an appropriate effective certificate, permit, or license issued by the United States if required by the United States. (Added by Stats. 1953, Ch. 151.)

Section 21412.

21412. Any certificate, permit, or license required by the United States for an aircraft shall be carried in the aircraft at all times while the aircraft is operating in the state, shall be conspicuously posted in the aircraft where it may be readily seen by passengers or inspectors, and shall be presented for inspection upon […]

Section 21413.

21413. The department shall report to the appropriate federal agency all accidents in aeronautics in this state of which it is informed, and shall, insofar as is practicable, preserve, protect, and prevent the removal of the component parts of any aircraft involved in an accident being investigated by it until the federal agency institutes an […]

Section 21415.

21415. No person shall be in, or perform any act in connection with the maintenance or operation of, any aircraft when under the influence of intoxicating liquor. This section does not apply to a person who is in an aircraft merely as a passenger, but this section shall not be construed to relieve any such […]

Section 21416.

21416. On all commercial aircraft which transport passengers for compensation or hire the door which separates the pilot compartment from the passenger compartment shall be kept locked at all times the aircraft is in a flight over this state during which passengers are being transported except: (a) During takeoff and landing of the airplane when such […]