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Home » US Law » 2022 California Code » Streets and Highways Code - SHC » DIVISION 18 - PARKING » PART 1 - VEHICLE PARKING DISTRICT LAW OF 943 » CHAPTER 11 - Substitution of Other Lands, Property or Rights of Way for Those Previously Acquired

Section 31900.

31900. Unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms used in this chapter shall mean: (a) “Substitution proceeding” means a proceeding taken under or pursuant to this chapter. (b) “New property” means any or all of the following: (1) Additional lands, property, and rights of way necessary or convenient for use as parking places for the benefit of […]

Section 31910.

31910. Substitution proceedings may be taken in the manner provided in this chapter if the legislative body determines that such substitution proceedings are necessary or desirable because of a change in circumstances. (Amended by Stats. 1974, Ch. 426.)

Section 31911.

31911. Before adopting any resolution under Section 31913, the legislative body shall submit its proposed resolution to the board of parking place commissioners for the district and shall receive and consider the report and recommendation of the board thereon. After receiving such report and recommendation, the legislative body may either adopt the proposed resolution in […]

Section 31912.

31912. The board shall make its report and recommendation within 30 days after the legislative body orders a proposed resolution submitted to the board, or within such further time as the legislative body may allow. If the board fails to make a report and recommendation within such time, the legislative body may adopt the resolution […]

Section 31913.

31913. The legislative body may initiate a substitution proceeding by adopting a resolution proposing to order the making of a substitution. (Added by Stats. 1957, Ch. 1168.)

Section 31914.

31914. The resolution proposing to order the making of a substitution shall contain: (a) The number of the vehicle parking district and a reference to the ordinance fixing its exterior boundaries. (b) A general description of the proposed substitution. (c) An estimate of the current fair market value of the old property and an estimate of the current […]

Section 31915.

31915. (a) Notice of hearing shall be by publication, posting, and mailing of the resolution proposing to order the making of a substitution. (b) The resolution shall be published once a week for two successive weeks in a newspaper published in the city. The first publication shall be not less than 30 days prior to the date […]

Section 31916.

31916. Not later than the hour set for hearing, any interested person may file with the clerk of the legislative body written objection to the proposed substitution. (Added by Stats. 1957, Ch. 1168.)

Section 31917.

31917. At the hearing all objections and protests shall be heard and considered. The hearing may be continued from time to time by order entered on the minutes. (Added by Stats. 1957, Ch. 1168.)

Section 31918.

31918. If at the hearing it appears that the owners of more than one-half of the area of the assessable land included within the district have made objection in writing to the proposed substitution as an entirety, the legislative body, by a resolution entered upon its minutes, shall so find. Thereafter the legislative body shall […]

Section 31919.

31919. If the owners of more than one-half of the area of the assessable land included within the district have not made written objections or protests to the proposed substitution proceedings as an entirety, the legislative body may so find and proceed with the hearing. (Added by Stats. 1957, Ch. 1168.)

Section 31920.

31920. Any protest or objection made pursuant to this chapter, or any signature to such objection or protest, may be withdrawn by a written withdrawal signed by the person or persons who signed the protest or objection or who affixed the signature to be withdrawn, and filed with the clerk at any time prior to […]

Section 31921.

31921. Any objections or protests not made at the time and in the manner provided by this chapter are deemed waived voluntarily. (Added by Stats. 1957, Ch. 1168.)

Section 31922.

31922. Except in the case of a majority protest, the legislative body may sustain or deny any or all objections and protests, and its determination is final. The determination of the legislative body shall be entered upon the minutes. (Added by Stats. 1957, Ch. 1168.)

Section 31923.

31923. Proceedings under this chapter shall not be attacked after the hearing upon any ground not stated in an objection or protest filed pursuant to this chapter. Any landowner or person interested in any land within the district is estopped to attack the proceedings upon any ground not stated in a protest filed by him […]

Section 31924.

31924. At the hearing the legislative body may by resolution propose a modification of the substitution. Said resolution shall describe the proposed modification, shall specify a time for hearing thereon and shall be published once at least 15 days before the hearing in the same newspaper in which the resolution proposing to order the making […]

Section 31925.

31925. If at the conclusion of the hearing the legislative body by resolution adopted by four-fifths of all of its members shall find and determine (a) that public interest and convenience require the substitution, and (b) that all of the lands within the district will be benefited by the substituted acquisition or acquisition and improvement in substantially […]

Section 31926.

31926. After the adoption of the resolution ordering the making of the substitution and at such time as all the new property ordered to be acquired or to be acquired and improved shall have been acquired or acquired and improved by the city substantially in accordance with said resolution, the legislative body may thereupon adopt […]

Section 31927.

31927. The resolution of implementation shall contain a general description of all new property acquired or acquired and improved under this chapter for the use and benefit of lands within the district. After the adoption of said resolution of implementation, all such new property shall be held by the city for the use and benefit […]

Section 31928.

31928. The resolution of implementation shall also contain a general description of all old property which is no longer to be held by the city for the use and benefit of the district. After the adoption of said resolution of implementation, any interest in or other right with respect to said old property which may […]