5450. As an alternative method for the collection of cash assessments or assessments of less than one hundred fifty dollars ($150) levied under the provisions of this division, the legislative body, upon the written request of the contractor or his assigns, shall, by resolution adopted on or before the third Tuesday in September, direct that […]
5451. Said resolution shall contain a description of the properties so assessed, the amount of such assessments, together with interest thereon from the date of filing the original list of unpaid assessments and at the rate of 1 percent per month to the next succeeding thirty-first day of December of the tax year for which […]
5452. A certified copy of said resolution shall be delivered immediately to the officer designated by law to extend city taxes upon the tax roll on which they are collected. (Added by Stats. 1950, 1st Ex. Sess., Ch. 65.)
5453. Said officer shall extend upon such roll the total amounts of such assessments and interest. (Added by Stats. 1950, 1st Ex. Sess., Ch. 65.)
5454. Said amounts shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner, as general municipal taxes are collected, and be subject to the same penalties and interest, and to the same procedure under foreclosure and sale in case of delinquency, as provided for general municipal taxes, all of which laws for the […]
5455. Said assessments and the interest so entered shall become due and payable to the contractor or his assigns at the office of the city treasurer on the second day of January next succeeding. (Added by Stats. 1950, 1st Ex. Sess., Ch. 65.)
5456. Upon default in payment, the lands so assessed shall be sold in the same manner in which real property in such city is sold for the nonpayment of general municipal taxes, and be subject to redemption within one year from the date of sale in the same manner as such real property is redeemed […]
5457. Upon receipt of such deed the city shall thereupon offer and sell such property at public auction in the manner provided by law for the sale of its tax-deeded property, and the amount of said assessment and the penalties and interest thereon shall be paid to said contractor or his assigns. (Added by Stats. […]
5458. In the event there shall have been no bidder offering the amount then due on such property, it may, at the city’s election, be declared sold to the owner of such assessment, and in like manner be deeded to him, and such assessment ordered satisfied of record. (Added by Stats. 1950, 1st Ex. Sess., […]