5500. If any assessment heretofore or hereafter made, issued or filed in the office of the clerk is void or unenforceable for any cause or if bonds have been or are issued to represent or be secured by any assessments and such issuance was or is not effective through the curative provisions in relation thereto, […]
5501. The true intent and meaning of this chapter is to make the cost and expense of any work made through an attempted compliance with this division payable by the real estate benefited by such work by making a reassessment therefor. Such power of reassessing embraces both a full and partial reassessment, and is not […]
5502. A reassessment shall be ordered under any one of the following circumstances: (a) Whenever the owner or holder of any assessments, or bonds issued under this division to represent or be secured by assessments, or the person who would own or hold any such assessment or bonds if they were issued, requests the legislative body […]
5503. The superintendent of streets shall, upon the entering of a decree of court directing a reassessment or upon the making of an order by the legislative body directing a reassessment, proceed to make a reassessment in the following manner: (a) If the reassessment is a partial one only, then it shall not be necessary for […]
5504. The reassessment need not be in any prescribed form, but shall refer to the original assessment filed, give the date of filing of the original assessment and state that it is made pursuant to the order of the legislative body or decree of the court, as the case may be, and shall be accompanied […]
5505. The reassessment shall then be presented to the legislative body, which shall fix a time for hearing before it. Such time must be at least 20 days after the reassessment is so presented. The clerk shall then advertise the time of such hearing before the legislative body by publishing a notice in the newspaper […]
5505.1. The clerk shall give notice of the presentation of the reassessment and the hearing thereon by mail, as provided in Sections 5070 and 5364, and by posting, as provided in Section 5065. (Added by Stats. 1965, Ch. 1049.)
5506. The notice shall describe the district by: (a) Stating its exterior boundaries; or (b) Giving a description thereof by any official or recorded map; or (c) Referring to the reassessment diagram.Such notice shall be published pursuant to Section 6062a of the Government Code. (Amended by Stats. 1963, Ch. 416.)
5507. At the time fixed for the hearing, or at such time or times to which the hearing may be thereafter adjourned, the legislative body shall consider the objections to the reassessment and in its discretion informally direct the revision, correction or modification of such reassessment in such manner as is most equitable to apportion […]
5508. The street superintendent shall thereupon record the reassessment with a certificate at the end thereof by the clerk, that it is the reassessment approved by the legislative body. He shall also note opposite the several assessments in the original assessment that have been displaced by the reassessment the fact that the reassessment has been […]
5509. The reassessment shall be collectible and payable in the same manner as an original assessment and shall be enforceable by action in the same manner provided in this division for enforcing an original assessment, and shall have the same weight in evidence. If bonds issued under or upon the security of the original assessment […]
5510. When the reassessment is recorded the original assessment shall be canceled by the street superintendent so far as it affects the particular assessments involved. New bonds shall not be issued until the original bonds are delivered up to the treasurer, who shall cancel them. The lien of the reassessment shall hold its relative rank […]
5510.1. The expense of any county treasurer in issuing any new bonds and in carrying out any reassessment shall be paid by the city conducting the assessment proceedings. (Added by Stats. 1957, Ch. 221.)
5511. If work done in attempted compliance with this division is fully completed to the satisfaction of the street superintendent or engineer, as the case may be, it shall nevertheless be the duty of the proper officer to make and file an assessment for the costs and expenses thereof, which shall form the basis of […]