5820. As used in this article, “maintenance district” means an assessment district which a county board of supervisors or the legislative body of a city has created pursuant to this chapter. This chapter, except Sections 5850 to 5853, inclusive, applies to the creation of maintenance districts by, and maintenance districts created by, the legislative body […]
5821. The board of supervisors may, in its resolution declaring its intention to order work done or improvements made or by separate resolution, declare its intention to order that the expenses of maintaining and operating any or all of said improvements or any or all other improvements such as are permitted to be constructed herein, […]
5821.1. The board of supervisors may, in its resolution declaring its intention to order work done or improvements made, declare its intention to order the territory within which the work is to be done or improvements constructed annexed to an existing maintenance district formed under the provisions of this chapter or under the provisions of […]
5821.2. If the board of supervisors in its resolution of intention declares its intention to order the territory within which the improvements are to be constructed annexed to an existing maintenance district, the notice of improvement shall likewise give notice of such declaration of intention and that protests against such annexation may be filed and […]
5821.3. In the event that an ordinance requires the installation of a sewer, drainage, or street lighting system by a subdivider, the resolution of intention may state that the territory owned by the subdivider comes under the terms of such ordinance and order that such territory be formed into a maintenance district, or annexed to […]
5822. The resolution of intention shall describe the boundaries of the district which is to be assessed for such maintenance and operation, or if the improvements or any part thereof to be maintained or operated are constructed in the same proceeding, it may describe the maintenance district as having the same boundaries as those of […]
5823. The maintenance district may include property lying within one or more cities if the consent of the legislative body of each such city to the formation of such district expressed by resolution, is first obtained before the resolution of intention is adopted by the board of supervisors. (Added by Stats. 1941, Ch. 79.)
5824. At any time not later than the hour for hearing objections to the proposed work as provided in this division, or at any time not later than the time fixed in the resolution of intention for the hearing of objections, if the resolution of intention provides for maintenance only, any person permitted by the […]
5824.1. If the resolution of intention contemplates annexation of the territory within which the improvements are to be constructed to an existing maintenance district, written protests against such annexation or the extent thereof may be filed by any interested person. (Added by Stats. 1953, Ch. 829.)
5825. The board of supervisors, in addition to hearing protests against the proposed work and the extent of the district to be assessed therefor, shall hear and pass upon all protests against the formation of the maintenance district and against the extent thereof, and shall hear and pass upon all protests against the annexation of […]
5826. If the board of supervisors finds that the protest against the formation of the maintenance district is made by the owners of more than one-half of the area of the property included within such district, no further proceedings shall be taken, unless the protests are overruled by an affirmative vote of four-fifths of the […]
5827. If the board of supervisors, in its resolution of intention, declares its intention to order a maintenance district formed, the notice of improvement shall likewise give notice of such declaration of intention and that protests against such maintenance district may be filed and will be heard in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. […]
5828. The board of supervisors shall acquire jurisdiction to order that the maintenance district be formed in the same manner prescribed in this division for the acquiring of jurisdiction to order the construction of improvements, and it may thereupon by resolution order the formation of such a maintenance district, which order may be contained in […]
5828.1. When the board of supervisors adopts a separate resolution declaring its intention to form a maintenance district for sanitary sewers or for street lighting, the clerk shall be directed to give notice of the hearing. The notice shall have the heading “Notice of the proposed formation of ____ Sewer (or Street Lighting) Maintenance District,” […]
5829. Upon adoption of the resolution ordering the formation of the maintenance district or the annexation of territory to an existing maintenance district, the legislative body adopting the resolution shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 8 (commencing with Section 54900) of Part 1 of Division 2 of Title 5 of the Government Code. Thereafter, […]
5829.1. Any district may contract with the Federal Government of the United States or any branch thereof, or any county, city and county, municipal corporation, district or other public corporation, or with any person, firm or corporation, for the joint use of any sewer or sewers or other works or facilities for handling, treatment and […]
5830. The board of supervisors shall thereafter, in each year, prior to the time of fixing the county tax rate, estimate the cost of maintaining and operating the improvements to be maintained and operated within the maintenance district during the ensuing year. The board of supervisors shall decide whether or not the cost of maintaining […]
5830.1. Whenever the board of supervisors levies an assessment authorized by Section 5830 for purposes of lighting maintenance, the assessment shall be levied pursuant to Chapter 6.1 (commencing with Section 54701) of Part 1 of Division 2 of Title 5 of the Government Code. (Added by Stats. 1982, Ch. 487, Sec. 13. Effective July 10, […]
5831. The special assessment tax shall be levied and collected at the same time and in the same manner as the general tax levy for county purposes and when collected shall be paid into the county treasury to the credit of the fund of the maintenance district and be used for the payment of the […]
5832. The board of supervisors may determine that the whole or any part of the expense of such maintenance shall be paid by the county. If the county is to contribute toward the expenses of such maintenance the resolution of intention shall so provide. When such provision is made the execution of the contract for […]