5180. The legislative body shall make the expense of such work chargeable upon a district, which the legislative body shall, in its resolution of intention, declare to be the district benefited by the work, and to be assessed to pay the cost and expense thereof. The territory comprising said district may, but need not, include […]
5181. The district may be described by: (a) Stating its exterior boundaries; or (b) Giving a description thereof according to any official or recorded map; or (c) Referring to a plat or map on file in the office of the clerk or engineer at the time of passing the resolution of intention, which shall indicate by a boundary […]
5182. The assessment district need not be described in any of the notices, resolutions, orders or determinations provided for in this division, other than the resolution of intention. Any description of said district in any of the same shall be sufficient, if it refers to the resolution of intention for a description of the district. […]