111.3. An “all-terrain vehicle safety instructor” is a person who is sponsored by an all-terrain vehicle safety training organization, who has completed a course in all-terrain vehicle safety instruction administered by an approved all-terrain vehicle safety training organization, and who has been licensed by the department pursuant to Section 11105.1. (Added by Stats. 1987, Ch. […]
165.5. No act or omission of any rescue team operating in conjunction with an authorized emergency vehicle as defined in Section 165, while attempting to resuscitate any person who is in immediate danger of loss of life, shall impose any liability upon the rescue team or the owners or operators of any authorized emergency vehicle, […]
175. An “autoette” is a motor vehicle, located on a natural island with an area in excess of 20,000 acres and that is within a county having a population in excess of 4,000,000, that meets all of the following requirements: (a) Has three or more wheels in contact with the ground. (b) Has an unladed weight of […]
210. An “automated enforcement system” is any system operated by a governmental agency, in cooperation with a law enforcement agency, that photographically records a driver’s responses to a rail or rail transit signal or crossing gate, or both, or to an official traffic control signal described in Section 21450, and is designed to obtain a […]
230.5. A “B-train assembly” is a rigid frame extension attached to the rear frame of a semitrailer which allows for a fifth wheel connection point for a second semitrailer. (Added by Stats. 1991, Ch. 13, Sec. 13. Effective February 13, 1991.)
231.5. A “bicycle path” or “bike path” is a Class I bikeway, as defined in subdivision (a) of Section 890.4 of the Streets and Highways Code. (Added by Stats. 2009, Ch. 200, Sec. 5. (SB 734) Effective January 1, 2010.)
231.6. (a) A “bicycle path crossing” is either of the following: (1) That portion of a roadway included within the prolongation or connection of the boundary lines of a bike path at intersections where the intersecting roadways meet at approximately right angles. (2) Any portion of a roadway distinctly indicated for bicycle crossing by lines or other markings […]
232. The “board” is the New Motor Vehicle Board. (Added by Stats. 1973, Ch. 996.)
232.5. “Brokering” is an arrangement under which a dealer, for a fee or other consideration, regardless of the form or time of payment, provides or offers to provide the service of arranging, negotiating, assisting, or effectuating the purchase of a new or used motor vehicle, not owned by the dealer, for another or others. (Added […]
234. A “business” includes a proprietorship, partnership, corporation, and any other form of commercial enterprise. (Added by Stats. 1990, Ch. 1563, Sec. 1.)
235. A “business district” is that portion of a highway and the property contiguous thereto (a) upon one side of which highway, for a distance of 600 feet, 50 percent or more of the contiguous property fronting thereon is occupied by buildings in use for business, or (b) upon both sides of which highway, collectively, for a […]
236. A “business representative” means a proprietor, a limited or general partner, a managerial employee, a stockholder, a director, or an officer who is active in the management, direction, and control of that part of a business which is a licensed activity. (Added by Stats. 1990, Ch. 1563, Sec. 2.)
240. In determining whether a highway is within a business or residence district, the following limitations shall apply and shall qualify the definitions in Sections 235 and 515: (a) No building shall be regarded unless its entrance faces the highway and the front of the building is within 75 feet of the roadway. (b) Where a highway […]
241. A “buy-here-pay-here” dealer is a dealer, as defined in Section 285, who is not otherwise expressly excluded by Section 241.1, and who does all of the following: (a) Enters into conditional sale contracts, within the meaning of subdivision (a) of Section 2981 of the Civil Code, and subject to the provisions of Chapter 2b (commencing […]
241.1. The term “buy-here-pay-here” dealer does not include any of the following: (a) A lessor who primarily leases vehicles that are two model years old or newer. (b) A dealer that does both of the following: (1) Certifies 100 percent of used vehicle inventory offered for sale at retail price pursuant to Section 11713.18. (2) Maintains an onsite service […]
242. A “camp trailer” is a vehicle designed to be used on a highway, capable of human habitation for camping or recreational purposes, that does not exceed 16 feet in overall length from the foremost point of the trailer hitch to the rear extremity of the trailer body and does not exceed 96 inches in […]
243. A “camper” is a structure designed to be mounted upon a motor vehicle and to provide facilities for human habitation or camping purposes. A camper having one axle shall not be considered a vehicle. (Amended by Stats. 1968, Ch. 228.)
245. A “carry-all” is that type of earth-moving equipment which is not self-propelled but which is designed for use behind tractors or other motive power and which is self-loading by means of a cutting blade which is lowered at an angle to dig into the ground. The term includes, but is not limited to, such […]
246. A “certificate of compliance” for the purposes of this code is an electronic or printed document issued by a state agency, board, or commission, or authorized person, setting forth that the requirements of a particular law, rule or regulation, within its jurisdiction to regulate or administer has been satisfied. (Amended by Stats. 1999, Ch. […]
259. “Collector motor vehicle” means a motor vehicle owned by a collector, as defined in subdivision (a) of Section 5051, and the motor vehicle is used primarily in shows, parades, charitable functions, and historical exhibitions for display, maintenance, and preservation, and is not used primarily for transportation. (Added by Stats. 2004, Ch. 107, Sec. 1. […]