16951. As a condition of receiving funds pursuant to this chapter, each county shall establish an emergency medical services fund as authorized by subdivision (a) of Section 1797.98 of the Health and Safety Code. This section shall not be interpreted to require any county to impose the assessment authorized by Section 1465 of the Penal […]
16952. (a) (1) Each county shall establish within its emergency medical services fund a Physician Services Account. Each county shall deposit in the Physician Services Account those funds appropriated by the Legislature for the purposes of the Physician Services Account of the fund. (2) (A) Each county may encumber sufficient funds to reimburse physician losses incurred during the fiscal […]
16952.1. (a) Each county that elects to establish a Physicians Services Account in the county emergency medical services fund shall annually, on April 15, report to the Legislature on the implementation and status of the Physicians Services Account. The report shall cover the preceding fiscal year, and shall include, but not be limited to, all of […]
16952.5. (a) Notwithstanding subdivision (g) of Section 16952, expenses incurred by Solano County for the development of managed care systems to increase access for indigents to physician emergency services shall be reimbursed subject to the availability of unexpended 1990–91 and 1991–92 fiscal year funds, up to a maximum of four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000). (b) The […]
16953. (a) For purposes of this chapter “emergency services” means physician services in one of the following: (1) A general acute care hospital which provides basic or comprehensive emergency services for emergency medical conditions. (2) A site which was approved by a county prior to January 1, 1990, as a paramedic receiving station for the treatment of emergency […]
16953.1. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, an emergency physician and surgeon, or an emergency physician group, with a gross billings arrangement with a hospital shall be entitled to receive reimbursement from the physician services account in the county’s emergency medical services fund for services provided in that hospital, if all of the following […]
16953.2. Nothing in this article shall prevent a physician from utilizing an agent who furnishes billing and collection services to the physician to submit claims or receive payment for claims. (Added by Stats. 1991, Ch. 278, Sec. 21. Effective July 30, 1991.)
16953.3. (a) Notwithstanding any other restrictions on reimbursement, a county shall adopt a fee schedule to establish a uniform, reasonable level of reimbursement from the Physician Services Account for reimbursable services. (b) (1) Notwithstanding any other restrictions on reimbursement, the State Department of Public Health shall adopt a single fee schedule to establish a uniform, reasonable level of […]
16955. Reimbursement for losses incurred by any physician shall be limited to services provided to a patient as established by subdivisions (f) and (g) of Section 16952, and where all of the following conditions have been met: (a) The physician has inquired if there is a responsible third-party source of payment. (b) The physician has billed for […]
16955.1. This article shall not be applied or interpreted so as to prevent a physician from seeking payment from a patient or responsible third-party payor, or arranging a repayment schedule for the costs of services rendered prior to receiving payment under this article. (Added by Stats. 1990, Ch. 51, Sec. 42. Effective April 18, 1990.)
16956. (a) The administering agency shall establish procedures and time schedules for submission and processing of reimbursement claims submitted by physicians in accordance with this chapter. (b) Schedules for payment established in accordance with this section shall provide for disbursement of the funds available in the account periodically and at least quarterly, if funds remain available for […]
16956.5. (a) The administering agency may establish an EMS Fund advisory committee. The committee shall include emergency physicians and emergency department oncall backup panel physicians. The committee shall advise the administering agency regarding distribution of funds pursuant to this section. (b) If the administering agency establishes a committee pursuant to subdivision (a) and the committee, upon an […]
16957. Any physician who submits any claim in accordance with this chapter shall keep and maintain records of the services rendered, the person to whom services were rendered, and any additional information the administering agency may require, for a period of three years after the services were provided. (Added by Stats. 1989, Ch. 1331, Sec. […]
16958. If, after receiving payment from the account, a physician is reimbursed by a patient or a responsible third-party, the physician shall do one of the following: (a) Notify the administering agency and the administering agency shall reduce the physician’s future payment of claims from the account . In the event there is not a subsequent […]
16959. The moneys contained in a Physician Services Account within an Emergency Medical Services Fund shall not be subject to Chapter 2.5 (commencing with Section 1797.98a) of Division 2.5 of the Health and Safety Code. (Added by Stats. 1991, Ch. 1169, Sec. 5.)