16996. For purposes of this chapter, “children’s hospital” means the following facilities: (a) Valley Children’s Hospital, Fresno. (b) Earl and Loraine Miller Children’s Hospital and Medical Center of the Memorial Hospital of Long Beach, Long Beach. (c) Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, Los Angeles. (d) Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Northern California, Oakland. (e) Children’s Hospital of Orange County, Orange. […]
16996.1. Funds appropriated to the department for the purposes of this chapter shall be distributed as follows: (a) The department shall compute the annual amount of financial assistance available to each eligible children’s hospital based upon the ratio of each hospital’s uncompensated care costs to the total uncompensated care costs of all children’s hospitals in the […]
16996.2. (a) As a condition of receiving funds under Section 16996.1, a hospital shall provide medically necessary inpatient treatment, including prescription drugs, for any condition detected as part of a child health and disability prevention screen for any child eligible for services under Section 104395 of the Health and Safety Code. Inpatient hospital services shall be […]