Section 14-3-70 Legislative intent. It is the intent of the Legislature to authorize the Department of Corrections to install high voltage electrified security fence systems at any medium or maximum security prison facility. (Acts 1995, No. 95-520, p. 1055, §1.)
Section 14-3-71 Department authorized to install high voltage electrified security fence systems. The Department of Corrections may design and install high voltage electrified security fence systems at any medium or maximum security prison. At the time of installation, there shall be posted universal danger signs on all sides of the system, clearly visible to inmates […]
Section 14-3-72 Installation. The installation of an electrified security fence shall be between double security fences, with the exception of those locations where a building or wall constitutes a part of the security perimeter. (Acts 1995, No. 95-520, p. 1055, §3.)
Section 14-3-73 Liability of providers for injury or death as result of system. A provider of electricity for the electric fence system authorized by this article or the providers of parts for construction of the system shall not be liable for any accident, injury, or death which may occur as a result of the construction […]