Section 16-23-1 Certain public school employees must hold certificate. No person shall be employed in the public schools of the state as county superintendent of education, city superintendent of schools, assistant superintendent, supervisor, principal, teacher or attendance officer unless such person shall hold a certificate issued by the State Superintendent of Education. (School Code 1927, […]
Section 16-23-10 Institutes – List of persons subject to attendance. At the beginning of the institute it shall be the duty of the county superintendent of education or city superintendent of schools, as the case may be, to furnish the conductor of the institute, appointed by the State Superintendent of Education, on forms provided by […]
Section 16-23-11 Institutes – Persons not attending not placed on payroll. It shall be unlawful for any county superintendent of education or any superintendent of city schools to place the name of any person, subject to institute attendance, on his payroll during the period of six months following the close of the institute so held, […]
Section 16-23-12 Teachers’ conferences. As a further means of improving teachers in service, the county superintendent of education or the city superintendent of schools shall arrange for and conduct conferences in convenient centers upon the courses of study or on problems of instruction, supervision and administration. (School Code 1927, §361; Code 1940, T. 52, §344.)
Section 16-23-13 Training-in-service work. In the conduct of institutes and group conferences as provided in this chapter, it is made the duty of the state-supported institutions of higher learning offering teacher-training courses to cooperate as far as practicable with the Department of Education in furthering training-in-service activities. The Department of Education in cooperation with the […]
Section 16-23-14 Standards and minimum requirements for training. For the purpose of setting up standards for the preparation of teachers, supervisors and administrative employees for service in the public schools, the State Board of Education shall, subject to other provisions of this chapter, authorize and prescribe minimum requirements on courses of study, organization, qualifications of […]
Section 16-23-16 Rules and regulations relative to training. All laws and all rules and regulations of the State Board of Education relating to the preparation of teachers for service or the training of teachers in service shall be administered by the State Superintendent of Education, or through his professional assistants; provided, that the provisions of […]
Section 16-23-16.1 Creation of Professional Teachers Standards Commission; designation or development of entry-level pre-certification examination for teacher candidates. (a) The Legislature finds that Alabama is alone among the southern states in not testing teacher candidates before allowing them in the classroom, and acknowledges that the need exists to establish, maintain, and enforce minimum professional standards […]
Section 16-23-16.2 Criminal history background check for teacher preparation program applicants. (a) Each two-year and four-year institution of higher education in the state shall require each applicant for admission to a teacher preparation program to complete a criminal history background information check as a part of the initial application process. (b) The criminal history background […]
Section 16-23-2 Issuance, extension and renewal of certificates. All matters relating to the issuance, extension and renewal of certificates based upon credentials, including transcripts of applicants’ records submitted by institutions of higher learning in Alabama approved for the training of teachers, or by institutions operated under the control of the State Board of Education for […]
Section 16-23-24 Teacher Education Scholarship Loan Program established; use; subsequent obligations; funding; rule-making authority; provisions for current scholarship recipients. (a) Effective October 1, 1993, there is established a Teacher Education Scholarship Loan Program (hereinafter referred to as “the program”) to provide for the education of certified, employed public school teachers to be trained in the […]
Section 16-23-3 Provisional certificates. THIS SECTION WAS AMENDED BY ACT 2022-239 IN THE 2022 REGULAR SESSION, EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2022. TO SEE THE AMENDED VERSION, SEE THE VERSION LABELED PENDING. (a) It is the intent of the Legislature that the State of Alabama shall modify its policies relative to the certification of teachers to permit […]
Section 16-23-4 Fee of applicant for certificate. (a) An application fee of thirty dollars ($30) shall be paid by an applicant. (b) The fees paid by the applicants shall be deposited to a special account for the State Department of Education into the State Treasury at least monthly and used for the operation of the […]
Section 16-23-4.1 Fee for evaluation of transcript. The State Board of Education shall be authorized to establish reasonable charges for evaluation of transcripts. (Acts 1990, No. 90-622, p. 1137, §2.)
Section 16-23-5 Revocation of certificates. (a) The State Superintendent of Education may revoke any certificate issued under this chapter when the holder has been guilty of immoral conduct or unbecoming or indecent behavior. Any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, under the circumstances listed in subsection (b), the holder shall be immediately disenfranchised from […]
Section 16-23-6 Placement bureau for teachers. The State Superintendent of Education shall make known to county superintendents of education and city superintendents of schools or other interested parties the names of teachers who are unemployed and who are seeking positions. In order that this service may be effective, a placement bureau shall be organized in […]
Section 16-23-7 Institutes – Conduct; duration; character of instruction. As a means of stimulating the improvement of teachers in service in the public schools of the state, institutes shall be held annually, one or more in each county or for a group of counties, at such times and at such places as the State Superintendent […]
Section 16-23-8 Institutes – Attendance required; penalty for failure to attend. Every person employed in a teaching, supervisory or administrative capacity by the county or city board of education in the public schools of the state shall attend the institute held for the county or city in which such person is employed; provided, that the […]
Section 16-23-9 Institutes – Excuses for nonattendance. The county superintendent of education or the city superintendent of education shall have the power to excuse and accept excuses from educators for failure to attend institutes held under the provisions of this chapter. Such actions shall be governed by the same policies which govern leave on any […]