Section 16-40-20 Elective courses authorized for objective study of the Bible and religious history. (a) A public school may offer elective courses in the objective study of the Bible and religious history in grades six to 12, inclusive, as follows: (1) A social studies course on the Hebrew Scriptures of the Old Testament of the […]
Section 16-40-21 Scope of elective courses; display of artifacts, monuments, symbols, and texts. (a) Elective courses offered pursuant to this article shall be designed to do all of the following: (1) Teach students about Bible characters, poetry, and narratives that are useful for understanding history and contemporary society and culture, including art, music, social mores, […]
Section 16-40-22 Teachers may decline to teach courses under this article. No teacher shall be required to teach any course under this article and, any provision of the law to the contrary notwithstanding, no teacher shall be subject to any retaliation for declining to teach such a course, including, but not limited to, non-renewal of […]
Section 16-40-23 Duty of Attorney General. The Attorney General shall defend any litigation filed against any local board of education in the state or any officer, employee, or agent thereof based upon the board’s actions in implementing this article without cost to the local board of education. Should any local board of education be ordered […]