Section 17-16-1 Preservation of voted ballot containers and records of election containers; electronic voting specialists. (a) The voted ballot containers and records of election containers shall remain sealed for the time provided by law for the filing of contests and then shall have the seal broken only on the order of that body which, under […]
Section 17-16-2 Reimbursing counties for election expenses – “Expenses” defined. As used in this chapter, the term “expenses” shall include the following items and any other items approved as reimbursable expenses by the Election Expense Reimbursement Committee pursuant to Section 17-16-2.1: (1) The compensation and mileage provided by law for election officials. (2) The compensation […]
Section 17-16-2.1 Reimbursing counties for election expenses – Election Expense Reimbursement Committee. (a) There is hereby established an Election Expense Reimbursement Committee designated to identify any election costs not included in Section 17-16-2, which costs shall be included as a reimbursable election expense under this chapter. The committee shall consist of the following: (1) The […]
Section 17-16-3 Reimbursing counties for election expenses – Both federal or state and county offices. Except as provided in Section 17-8-12, the State of Alabama shall reimburse a county for one half of all sums expended by the county in payment of expenses incurred in holding and conducting an election in which candidates for both […]
Section 17-16-4 Reimbursing counties for election expenses – Only federal or state offices. The State of Alabama shall reimburse a county for all sums expended by the county in payment of expenses as provided for in Sections 17-16-2 and 17-16-2.1 and incurred in holding and conducting an election in which only candidates for federal or […]
Section 17-16-5 Reimbursing counties for election expenses – Constitutional amendments in general. Except as provided in Section 17-8-12, the State of Alabama shall reimburse a county for one half of all sums expended by the county in payment of expenses incurred in holding and conducting an election at which both amendments to the Constitution of […]
Section 17-16-6 Reimbursing counties for election expenses – Constitutional amendments affecting state as a whole. The State of Alabama shall reimburse a county for all sums expended by the county in payment of expenses incurred in holding and conducting an election at which only amendments to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901 affecting the State […]
Section 17-16-7 Reimbursing counties for election expenses – Appropriation. There is hereby appropriated of any funds in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated such sum or sums as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of Sections 17-16-2 through 17-16-6. (Acts 1955, No. 160, p. 406, §6; §17-21-6; amended and renumbered by Act 2006-570, […]