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Home » US Law » 2022 Code of Alabama » Title 17 - Elections. » Chapter 17 - Election Offenses.

Section 17-17-28 – Failure to Require Proper Identification; Voting at Multiple or Unauthorized Locations; Liability of Officials.

Section 17-17-28 Failure to require proper identification; voting at multiple or unauthorized locations; liability of officials. Any polling official who knowingly fails to require proper identification to verify the name of the prospective voter on the list of qualified voters at the polling place in violation of this section, or who knowingly allows a person […]

Section 17-17-3 – Neglect of Duties by Election Official.

Section 17-17-3 Neglect of duties by election official. Any election official who wilfully and knowingly neglects, fails, or refuses to perform any of the duties prescribed in this title, shall be guilty, upon conviction, of a Class C misdemeanor. No person shall be deemed an election official until the person takes an oath to well […]

Section 17-17-30 – Failure to Provide Notice in Contested Election.

Section 17-17-30 Failure to provide notice in contested election. Any sheriff or constable who fails to give the notices necessary to be served in cases of contested elections, within the time and in the mode prescribed, if practicable for him or her to do so, shall be guilty, upon conviction, of a violation. (Act 2006-570, […]

Section 17-17-31 – Failure to Provide Notice Under Section 17-15-5.

Section 17-17-31 Failure to provide notice under Section 17-15-5. Any judge of probate who fails to give notice of a special election ordered by the Governor, as required by Section 17-15-5, is guilty, upon conviction, of a Class C misdemeanor. (Act 2006-570, p. 1331, §88.)

Section 17-17-32 – Failure to Provide Notice Under Section 17-15-6.

Section 17-17-32 Failure to provide notice under Section 17-15-6. Any judge of probate who fails to notify the sheriff and clerk of the circuit court that any special election is ordered by the Governor, as required by Section 17-15-6, shall be guilty, upon conviction, of a violation. (Act 2006-570, p. 1331, §88.)

Section 17-17-33 – Obstruction, Intimidation, etc., of Voting Rights of Others.

Section 17-17-33 Obstruction, intimidation, etc., of voting rights of others. It shall be unlawful for any person to obstruct, intimidate, threaten, or coerce any other person for the purpose of interfering with the right of such other person to vote or to vote as he or she may choose, or for the purpose of causing […]

Section 17-17-34 – Paying, etc., or Accepting Payment for Vote.

Section 17-17-34 Paying, etc., or accepting payment for vote. It shall be unlawful for any person to pay or offer to pay, or for any person to accept such payment, either to vote or withhold his or her vote, or to vote for or against any candidate. Any person who violates this section shall be […]

Section 17-17-36 – Unlawful or Fraudulent Voting.

Section 17-17-36 Unlawful or fraudulent voting. (a) It shall be unlawful for an individual to vote in this state more than once at any election held in this state, or to vote in both this state and another state or territory in the same or equivalent election, or to attempt to vote when he or […]

Section 17-17-37 – Illegal Voting at Municipal Elections.

Section 17-17-37 Illegal voting at municipal elections. Any person who falsely impersonates another and thereby or otherwise fraudulently casts a vote to which he or she is not entitled, or having voted at a municipal election votes a second time at the same election, whether in the same precinct or another, or having once obtained […]

Section 17-17-38 – Bribing or Attempting to Influence Voter.

Section 17-17-38 Bribing or attempting to influence voter. Any person who, by bribery or offering to bribe, or by any other corrupt means, attempts to influence any elector in giving his or her vote, deter the elector from giving the same, or disturb or hinder the elector in the free exercise of the right of […]

Section 17-17-39 – Buying Votes.

Section 17-17-39 Buying votes. Any person who buys or offers to buy any vote of any qualified elector at any election by the payment of money or the promise to pay the same at any future time, or by the gift of intoxicating liquors or other thing of value, shall be guilty, upon conviction, of […]

Section 17-17-40 – Selling Votes.

Section 17-17-40 Selling votes. Any qualified elector at any election who takes or receives any money or other valuable thing, upon the condition that the same shall be paid at any future time, in exchange for the vote of such elector for any particular candidate, or the promise to vote for any particular candidate, shall […]

Section 17-17-41 – Candidate Barred by Bribery.

Section 17-17-41 Candidate barred by bribery. Any candidate for office in any election, upon conviction of bribing or attempting to influence a voter under Section 17-17-38, shall, in addition to the fine, be declared ineligible for the office to which elected for that term. (Act 2006-570, p. 1331, §88.)

Section 17-17-42 – Altering or Changing Vote of Elector.

Section 17-17-42 Altering or changing vote of elector. Any person who fraudulently alters or changes the vote of any elector, by which such elector is prevented from voting as intended, shall be guilty, upon conviction, of a Class B misdemeanor. (Act 2006-570, p. 1331, §88.)

Section 17-17-43 – Disturbing Elector on Election Day.

Section 17-17-43 Disturbing elector on election day. Any person who, on election day, disturbs or prevents, or attempts to prevent, any elector from freely casting a ballot shall be guilty, upon conviction, of a Class A misdemeanor. (Act 2006-570, p. 1331, §88.)

Section 17-17-44 – Intimidation of Employee by Employer.

Section 17-17-44 Intimidation of employee by employer. Any employer who attempts by coercion, intimidation, threats to discharge, or to lessen the remuneration of an employee, to influence his or her vote in any election, or who requires or demands an examination or inspection by the employer or another of an employee’s ballot, shall be guilty, […]

Section 17-17-45 – Coercion of Employee by Officer, Agent, etc., of Corporation.

Section 17-17-45 Coercion of employee by officer, agent, etc., of corporation. Any officer or agent of a corporation, or other person with authority to discharge employees, who shall attempt by coercion, intimidation, threats to discharge, or to lessen the remuneration of any employee, to influence his or her vote in any election, or who requires […]