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Home » US Law » 2022 Code of Alabama » Title 17 - Elections. » Chapter 3 - Voter Registration. » Article 3 - Registration of Electors.

Section 17-3-50 – Registration Deadline.

Section 17-3-50 Registration deadline. The boards of registrars in the several counties of the state shall not register any person as a qualified elector within 14 days prior to any election; provided, that the boards shall maintain open offices during business days in such 14-day period and on election day during the hours of voting. […]

Section 17-3-51 – Certificate of Registration.

Section 17-3-51 Certificate of registration. The registrars shall issue to each person registered a certificate of registration. When voting precinct boundaries and voting locations are changed, new certificates of registration shall be issued before the date of the election on which the changes are to take effect. (Code 1896, §1565; Code 1907, §§307, 321; Acts […]

Section 17-3-52 – Examination and Oath of Applicants; Disclosure of Information.

Section 17-3-52 Examination and oath of applicants; disclosure of information. The board of registrars shall have power to examine, under oath or affirmation, all applicants for registration, and to take testimony touching the qualifications of such applicants, but no applicant shall be required to answer any question, written or oral, not related to his or […]

Section 17-3-53 – Access by Political Parties to Voter Registration Information.

Section 17-3-53 Access by political parties to voter registration information. Political parties, as defined in Section 17-13-40, may obtain all voter registration information, except for voters’ Social Security numbers and month and day of birth, in the possession of boards of registrars or judges of probate concerning registered voters in their jurisdictions and to access […]

Section 17-3-54 – Refusal of Registration – Authorized; Notice Required.

Section 17-3-54 Refusal of registration – Authorized; notice required. Any person making application to the board of registrars for registration who fails to establish by evidence to the reasonable satisfaction of the board of registrars that he or she is qualified to register, may be refused registration. The board shall give written notice to each […]

Section 17-3-55 – Refusal of Registration – Appeal.

Section 17-3-55 Refusal of registration – Appeal. Any person to whom registration is denied shall have the right of appeal, without giving security for costs, within 30 days after such denial, by filing a petition in the probate court in the county in which he or she seeks to register, alleging that he or she […]

Section 17-3-56 – Registration Required Only Once; Exceptions.

Section 17-3-56 Registration required only once; exceptions. No person heretofore registered and no person hereafter registered shall again be required to register unless he or she has changed the county of his or her domicile, or was convicted of a disqualifying criminal offense and was subsequently pardoned with restoration of the right to vote expressed […]

Section 17-3-57 – Forms and Supplies; Publication of Notices; Expenses.

Section 17-3-57 Forms and supplies; publication of notices; expenses. The Secretary of State shall furnish to each board of registrars the necessary forms and supplies for effectuating the purposes of this chapter, and the expense incurred thereby shall be paid by the state. The cost of the publication of the notices required to be given […]

Section 17-3-58 – Voters in Territory Transferred to Another County.

Section 17-3-58 Voters in territory transferred to another county. Every qualified elector of the State of Alabama whose domicile is in territory which has been detached from one county and added to an adjoining county of the State of Alabama shall be entitled to have his or her name added to the list of the […]

Section 17-3-59 – Electors Temporarily Out of the County May Register.

Section 17-3-59 Electors temporarily out of the county may register. The following persons shall be entitled to register to vote by mail if they possess the qualifications of an elector and are not disqualified from voting under the Constitution and laws of Alabama: Members of the Armed Forces of the United States, persons employed outside […]

Section 17-3-60 – Clerical Assistance for Judge of Probate and Board of Registrars.

Section 17-3-60 Clerical assistance for judge of probate and board of registrars. The judge of probate may employ such assistants and clerical help as may be necessary to complete and properly prepare reports from the state voter registration list of the list of qualified electors which the judge of probate is required to furnish a […]