Section 17-5-5 Statement of organization; notice of termination or dissolution. THIS SECTION WAS AMENDED BY ACT 2021-314 IN THE 2021 REGULAR SESSION, EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 2023. TO SEE THE AMENDED VERSION, SEE THE VERSION LABELED PENDING. (a) The treasurer or designated filing agent of each political action committee which anticipates either receiving contributions or making […]
Section 17-5-5.1 Regulation of legislative caucus organizations. (a) Except as provided in subsection (d), each legislative caucus organization that raises funds for its administration and operation shall register with the Secretary of the Senate, for a Senate caucus, or the Clerk of the House of Representatives, for a House caucus, or both for a bicameral […]
Section 17-5-6 Checking account; expenditures. A political action committee and a principal campaign committee shall maintain a checking account, money market account, or other similar banking account and shall deposit any contributions received by such committee into such account. No expenditure of funds may be made by any such committee except by check drawn on […]
Section 17-5-7 Use of excess moneys received; solicitation, etc., of contributions. (a) Except as provided in subsection (d) and in Section 17-5-7.1, a candidate, public official, or treasurer of a principal campaign committee as defined in this chapter, may only use campaign contributions, and any proceeds from investing the contributions that are in excess of […]
Section 17-5-7.1 Return or refund of contributions. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a principal campaign committee or political action committee may return or refund, in full or in part, any lawful contribution it receives to the donor, provided that such return or refund may not exceed the amount received. Any lawful contribution refunded […]
Section 17-5-7.2 Disposal of campaign property. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), property purchased by or contributed to a principal campaign committee with a value of five hundred dollars ($500) or more shall be liquidated at fair market value or donated to a qualified entity pursuant to subsection (a) of Section 17-5-7 not more […]
Section 17-5-8 Reports of contributions and expenditures by candidates, committees, and officials; filing; procedure THIS SECTION WAS AMENDED BY ACT 2021-314 IN THE 2021 REGULAR SESSION, EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 2023. THIS SECTION DOES NOT REFLECT THE REVISIONS BY THAT ACT. (a) The treasurer, designated filing agent, or candidate, shall file with the Secretary of State […]
Section 17-5-8.1 Electronic reporting; electronic searchable database; rules. (a) Commencing with the 2014 election cycle, all statements, reports of contributions, and expenditures, and other filings required to be filed pursuant to this chapter, shall be submitted electronically over the Internet by a computer file containing the report information in a format and medium to be […]
Section 17-5-8.2 Legislative findings. (a) The Legislature determines that there is a compelling state and public interest in the disclosure of the source of funds used to advertise or otherwise influence public opinion with regard to elections as defined in Section 17-5-2(3). The Legislature further finds that these compelling interests should be designed to protect […]
Section 17-5-9 Filing procedure. THIS SECTION WAS AMENDED BY ACT 2021-314 IN THE 2021 REGULAR SESSION, EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 2023. TO SEE THE AMENDED VERSION, SEE THE VERSION LABELED PENDING. (a) All statements and reports, including amendments, required of principal campaign committees under the provisions of this chapter shall be filed with the Secretary of […]