Section 17-7-1 Payment for machines. The county commission or city commission or such other authority as levies the taxes for county or city purposes of any county or city which adopts the use of electronic voting machines, shall, upon the purchase, rental, or lease thereof, provide for payment therefor by the county or city; provided, […]
Section 17-7-11 Proclaiming polls open. THIS SECTION WAS AMENDED AND RENUMBERED AS SECTION 17-9-9 BY ACT 2006-570. (Code 1876, §272; Code 1886, §367; Code 1896, §1619; Code 1907, §397; Code 1923, §487; Code 1940, T. 17, §173.)
Section 17-7-12 Voting without registration and taking oath. THIS SECTION WAS REPEALED IN THE 2006 REGULAR SESSION BY ACT 2006-570. (Code 1876, §4291; Code 1886, §4186; Code 1896, §4693; Code 1907, §6789; Code 1923, §3907; Code 1940, T. 17, §303.)
Section 17-7-13 Elector to vote in county and precinct of residence. THIS SECTION WAS AMENDED AND RENUMBERED AS SECTION 17-9-10 BY ACT 2006-570. (Code 1876, §273; Code 1886, §368; Code 1896, §1620; Code 1907, §398; Code 1923, §488; Code 1940, T. 17, §174; Act 2003-313, p. 733, §2.)
Section 17-7-14 When registration certificate not required. THIS SECTION WAS REPEALED IN THE 2006 REGULAR SESSION BY ACT 2006-570. (Code 1907, §363; Code 1923, §453; Code 1940, T. 17, §136.)
Section 17-7-15 Voter to sign name on poll list; exceptions. THIS SECTION WAS AMENDED AND RENUMBERED AS SECTIONS 17-17-15 AND 17-9-11 BY ACT 2006-570. (Acts 1953, No. 201, p. 266, §§1, 2.)
Section 17-7-16 Poll list to be sealed. THIS SECTION WAS AMENDED AND RENUMBERED AS SECTION 17-9-12 BY ACT 2006-570. (Code 1907, §367; Code 1923, §457; Code 1940, T. 17, §140.)
Section 17-7-17 Unlawful use of poll list. THIS SECTION WAS REPEALED IN THE 2006 REGULAR SESSION BY ACT 2006-570. (Code 1907, §6806; Code 1923, §3924; Code 1940, T. 17, §319.)
Section 17-7-18 Proximity of persons to polling place. THIS SECTION WAS AMENDED AND RENUMBERED AS SECTION 17-9-50 BY ACT 2006-570. (Code 1896, §1621; Code 1907, §371; Code 1923, §461; Code 1940, T. 17, §144.)
Section 17-7-19 Loitering about polling place; standing in line of voters after having voted. THIS SECTION WAS REPEALED IN THE 2006 REGULAR SESSION BY ACT 2006-570. (Acts 1966, Ex. Sess., No. 158, p. 183.)
Section 17-7-2 Warrants or certificates for purchase – Issuance; form; interest. Each county in which electronic voting machines may now or hereafter be authorized or required to be used in the conduct of elections in such county shall have the power from time to time to sell and issue interest-bearing warrants of such county or […]
Section 17-7-20 Definitions. For the purposes of this article, the following terms shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section: (1) AUTOMATIC TABULATING EQUIPMENT. Includes any apparatus necessary to examine and count automatically votes designated on ballots and data processing machines which can be used for counting ballots and tabulating results. (2) […]
Section 17-7-21 Requirements for approval of system. (a) The governing body of any county or municipality or other political subdivision of the state by adoption of an appropriate resolution, may authorize, adopt, and direct the use of electronic vote counting systems for use in all elections held in such county or municipality or other political […]
Section 17-7-22 Electronic Voting Committee. There is hereby created the Alabama Electronic Voting Committee which shall consist of five members. The committee shall consist of a representative appointed by the Secretary of State, a representative appointed by the Attorney General, and one judge of probate who shall be recommended by the Alabama Probate Judges Association […]
Section 17-7-23 Examination and certification of equipment. It shall be the duty of the committee to ensure the examination and certification of electronic vote counting systems in the following manner: (1) By publicly examining all makes of electronic vote counting systems submitted and certifying whether such systems comply with the requirements of this section. (2) […]
Section 17-7-24 Report of certification or rejection to be issued. Examinations shall be conducted and a report of certification or rejection issued within 90 days following request by vendor or company. (Acts 1983, 2nd Ex. Sess., No. 83-200, p. 374, §6; §17-24-6; amended and renumbered by Act 2006-570, p. 1331, §39.)
Section 17-7-25 Implementation of article. (a) It shall be the duty of the committee to recommend procedures to be implemented by the Secretary of State under the Administrative Procedure Act where appropriate to achieve and maintain the maximum degree of correctness and impartiality of voting, counting, tabulating, and recording votes, by electronic vote counting systems […]
Section 17-7-26 Limitation on committee’s authority. The authority of the Alabama Electronic Voting Committee relative to voting equipment shall be limited to the electronic vote counting equipment authorized under the provisions of this article and such committee shall have no authority to examine, approve, disapprove, or otherwise affect the use of other voting equipment. (Acts […]
Section 17-7-27 Secretary of State may implement uniform system of electronic voting in certain counties. The Secretary of State may implement a uniform system of electronic voting in any county participating in the pilot project for establishing a uniform system of electronic voting provided for in Act 91-562. The Secretary of State may provide through […]
Section 17-7-28 Counties participating in project may be eligible to receive state funding. Any county participating in the pilot project may be eligible to receive funding from the state for 50 percent of the costs to lease purchase an electronic voting system for a period of not to exceed eight years from funds appropriated for […]