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Home » US Law » 2022 Code of Alabama » Title 2 - Agriculture. » Chapter 25 - Plants and Trees. » Article 1 - Insect and Disease Control.

Section 2-25-1 – Definitions.

Section 2-25-1 Definitions. When used in this article, the following terms shall have the following meanings, respectively, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1) PLANT PEST. Any living stage of any insects, mites, nematodes, slugs, snails, protozoa, or other invertebrate animals, bacteria, fungi, other parasitic plants or reproductive parts thereof, or viruses, or any organisms […]

Section 2-25-13 – Movement, Sale, etc., Into State or Within State of Plants, Plant Products, etc., During Quarantines; Confiscation by Commissioner; Plants, etc., Moved Into Quarantined Area.

Section 2-25-13 Movement, sale, etc., into state or within state of plants, plant products, etc., during quarantines; confiscation by commissioner; plants, etc., moved into quarantined area. Whenever the board or commissioner under the provisions of this article shall declare a quarantine against any place, nursery, grove, orchard, county or counties of this state, other states, […]

Section 2-25-15.1 – Receipt of Plants, Nursery Stock, etc., Not in Compliance With Law by Common Carriers, Et Alia; Duty to Inform Commissioner and Isolate and Hold Item.

Section 2-25-15.1 Receipt of plants, nursery stock, etc., not in compliance with law by common carriers, et alia; duty to inform commissioner and isolate and hold item. Any person, including a common carrier, who receives plants, plant products, nursery stock, or other things sold, given away, carried, shipped, or delivered by carriage or shipment within […]

Section 2-25-16 – Throwing Cuttings, Prunings, etc., Into Public Roads, Fields, etc.; Destruction of Cuttings, Prunings, etc., Containing Plant Pests or Noxious Weeds.

Section 2-25-16 Throwing cuttings, prunings, etc., into public roads, fields, etc.; destruction of cuttings, prunings, etc., containing plant pests or noxious weeds. It shall be unlawful for any person owning or operating any nursery or fruit orchards of any kind to throw any cuttings or prunings of any fruit trees, nursery stock or ornamental trees […]

Section 2-25-17.1 – Procedures to Be Used When Plant, Nursery Stock, etc., Found to Contain Plant Pests or Noxious Weeds; Commissioner’s Power, Upon Notice, to Order Removal, Destruction or Treatment; Refusal of Owner to Comply; Liability for Cost of Treatment or Destruction.

Section 2-25-17.1 Procedures to be used when plant, nursery stock, etc., found to contain plant pests or noxious weeds; commissioner’s power, upon notice, to order removal, destruction or treatment; refusal of owner to comply; liability for cost of treatment or destruction. If the commissioner finds, on examination, any plant, plant product or nursery stock infested […]

Section 2-25-17.2 – Procedures for Fumigation or Treatment of Infested Plants, Etc.

Section 2-25-17.2 Procedures for fumigation or treatment of infested plants, etc. The commissioner is authorized to supervise or cause the fumigation or treatment of nursery stock, plants and plant products infested or infected by plant pests and/or noxious weeds. Fumigation or treatment may be performed by private employees or other persons supervised by the commissioner. […]

Section 2-25-18 – Appeals to State Board From Findings or Orders of Commissioner.

Section 2-25-18 Appeals to state board from findings or orders of commissioner. The owner or person in charge may appeal the orders of the commissioner requiring treatment or destruction of plants, plant products or nursery stock by serving written notice of appeal on the commissioner within 10 days after receiving his orders or findings. This […]

Section 2-25-19.1 – Penalties, Temporary Restraining Orders or Injunctions for Violations Issued Without Bond; Form of Action; Approval of Attorney General; Assistance of District Attorneys or Their Deputies.

Section 2-25-19.1 Penalties, temporary restraining orders or injunctions for violations issued without bond; form of action; approval of Attorney General; assistance of district attorneys or their deputies. In addition to any other penalties provided hereunder, the commissioner may apply for, and the circuit court shall grant a temporary restraining order, or temporary, or permanent injunction […]

Section 2-25-2 – Purposes of Article.

Section 2-25-2 Purposes of article. The purposes of this article are to prevent the introduction into and dissemination within this state of plant pests and noxious weeds injurious to plants and plant products of this state, to provide for the inspection and control of nurseries and the regulation of the sale and distribution of plants […]

Section 2-25-21 – Review of Rules or Regulations by Board.

Section 2-25-21 Review of rules or regulations by board. Any person affected by any rule or regulation made on notice given pursuant to this article may have a review thereof by the board for the purpose of having such rule, regulation or notice modified, suspended or withdrawn. Such review shall be allowed and considered and […]

Section 2-25-3 – Power and Duty of Commissioner as to Protection of Agricultural and Horticultural Interests From Plant Pests and Noxious Weeds Generally.

Section 2-25-3 Power and duty of commissioner as to protection of agricultural and horticultural interests from plant pests and noxious weeds generally. It shall be the duty of the commissioner to protect the agricultural and horticultural interests of the state from plant pests and noxious weeds; and, to that end, he is vested with power […]