Section 22-21-50 Proceedings to establish. (a) Any one or more local governing bodies located in the same or contiguous counties, within a zone determined by the State Board of Health as a zone for public hospitals, may act to establish a hospital association, a body corporate and politic. Before taking action to establish a hospital […]
Section 22-21-51 Directors – Appointment; term; vacancies; quorum; compensation; loss of seat. (a) A hospital association shall consist of the directors appointed by the local governing bodies, and the directors shall elect from among their number the first chairman. The term of office of each director shall be five years. A director shall hold office […]
Section 22-21-52 Directors – Annual meeting; constitution and bylaws; executive committee. The directors shall meet annually and shall adopt a constitution and bylaws of the corporation, said constitution and bylaws to be subject to the approval of the State Board of Health. The active affairs of the corporation shall be vested in an executive committee […]
Section 22-21-53 Powers. (a) Any district or regional hospital association is hereby authorized and empowered to exercise the following powers in addition to others granted in this article: (1) To cooperate with the State Board of Health for the purpose of constructing, equipping, maintaining and operating a hospital by making appropriate application to the State […]
Section 22-21-54 Validation of noncomplying associations. In all cases where the county commission of a county has, or the governing bodies of a county and of a city have, adopted a resolution or resolutions authorizing the incorporation, under this article as originally enacted or as subsequently amended, of a public hospital association for public hospital […]
Section 22-21-55 Dissolution. Any hospital association organized under the provisions of this article may be dissolved, in the manner prescribed in this section if, at the time of such dissolution, it owns no property and has no indebtedness outstanding and if it is not, at the time, designated as the agency of a county to […]
Section 22-21-56 Appropriations by local political subdivisions. The governing bodies of each local political subdivision involved are hereby authorized to appropriate their respective shares of the cost of constructing, maintaining, equipping and operating such hospitals as determined upon by agreement between the executive committee of the association and the State Board of Health. The sums […]
Section 22-21-57 Effect of article on local executive committees. Nothing in this article shall be construed to mean that all local, regional or district hospitals included in this article are to be under the direction or control of any body other than the local executive committee of each hospital, subject to the rules and regulations […]