Section 23-1-110 Purpose of article. It is hereby declared by the Legislature of Alabama that city and town streets and roads or portions thereof, including viaducts and bridges, which constitute the route of connection between or extension of state roads in the Alabama state highway system, hereby designated as municipal connecting link roads, have in […]
Section 23-1-111 Designation. The State Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as the department, shall, as early as practicable after July 26, 1949, designate such streets or roads, including viaducts and bridges, as are municipal connecting link roads in each city or town of this state under the then existing state highway system and, thereafter, […]
Section 23-1-112 Maintenance and repair – Responsibility. The department is hereby authorized, empowered, directed, and required to maintain and repair, under its control and supervision, such designated municipal connecting link roads, to make appropriations and expenditures out of its funds for such program and is authorized to enter into any and all contracts, inclusive of […]
Section 23-1-113 Maintenance and repair – Stipulations and conditions. The following stipulations and conditions shall obtain as to state maintenance of municipal connecting link roads: (1) State maintenance of a city or town street traversed by a state maintained highway route shall not extend beyond the back of the curb where a curb and gutter […]