Section 28-4-150 Sales by wholesale druggists generally; said druggists to file monthly statements as to sales with Alcoholic Beverage Control Board. Wholesale druggists may sell in wholesale quantities to retail druggists, public or charitable hospitals and medical or pharmaceutical colleges pure alcohol for medicinal purposes only and grain alcohol to be used by chemists or […]
Section 28-4-151 Sales by retail druggists generally; use of alcohol by such druggists for compounding of prescriptions, etc. Any retail druggist in this state who is himself a registered or licensed pharmacist or who regularly employs a licensed or registered pharmacist may sell in the manner set out in this article pure alcohol for medicinal […]
Section 28-4-152 Sales by retail druggists of alcohol for use in arts or for scientific or mechanical purposes; execution of statement by persons desiring to purchase alcohol for said purposes. The retail druggists may sell, in quantities not greater than five gallons, alcohol to be used in the arts or for scientific or mechanical purposes […]
Section 28-4-153 Purchase and use of alcohol by physicians. Regularly licensed and practicing physicians may purchase grain alcohol or pure alcohol in quantities of not more than one gallon at one time from wholesale or retail druggists and may use the same in compounding and dispensing remedies in the practice of their profession only. (Acts […]
Section 28-4-154 Sale of pure alcohol for medicinal purposes to be made only upon prescription of physician; physician to conduct examination prior to issuing prescription. No sale of pure alcohol for medicinal purposes shall be made by any person authorized by the law under proper circumstances to make sale of such liquor for medicinal purposes […]
Section 28-4-155 Prescription to be based upon professional opinion of physician that alcohol will be used by patient for medicinal purposes. No physician shall prescribe alcohol for any patient simply upon the affirmation or statement or promise of said patient that he will use the same for medicinal purposes, but the said prescription must be […]
Section 28-4-156 Physicians to file affidavit with probate judge before authorized to prescribe alcohol for medicinal purposes; form of affidavit; fee of probate judge for filing and recordation of affidavit. (a) Before any physician shall be authorized to prescribe alcohol for medicinal purposes, he shall first file with the probate judge of the county in […]
Section 28-4-157 Prescription – Contents. Said prescription shall state the disease or ailment from which the patient is suffering and shall prescribe the method of the use or administration of said alcohol and the quantity of the dose or doses to be taken and the intervals between doses or the time when the same are […]
Section 28-4-158 Prescription – Form. The following form of prescription shall be used: “State of Alabama, ____ County. I, _____, a regularly licensed and practicing physician under the laws of said state, do hereby certify that I have examined _____, a patient under my charge, and I do hereby prescribe for the use of said […]
Section 28-4-159 Physician to file copy of prescription with probate judge; probate judge to preserve same and deliver to next grand jury for examination. The physician shall immediately file a copy of the prescription, signed by himself, in the office of the probate judge, who shall preserve the same and deliver all such prescriptions to […]
Section 28-4-160 Time for filling of prescription; limitation as to amount of alcohol sold and delivered on prescription; disposition of prescription when filled by druggist; filling of prescription at certain drugstores in which prescribing physician has financial, etc., interest. (a) No prescription shall be filled under this article except upon the day upon which it […]
Section 28-4-161 Recordation, etc., by probate judge of statements or prescriptions required to be filed by article; fee of probate judge; evidentiary effect of certified copy of statement or prescription. All statements or prescriptions required by this article to be filed in the office of the probate judge shall be recorded and properly indexed by […]
Section 28-4-162 Prescription of whiskey, rum, gin, etc., for medicinal purposes. No physician shall prescribe whiskey, rum, gin or brandy or any prohibited liquor for medicinal purposes, except alcohol as provided by law. (Acts 1919, No. 7, p. 6; Code 1923, §4727; Code 1940, T. 29, §197.)
Section 28-4-163 Prescription, sale, dispensing, etc., of Jamaica ginger. It shall be unlawful for any person to give away the essence, extract or tincture of Jamaica ginger for beverage purposes or for any person, except a druggist or proprietor of a drugstore, who is entitled by law to sell alcohol for medicinal purposes upon prescription […]
Section 28-4-164 Failure to comply with requirements as to issuance of prescriptions for alcohol, unauthorized use of alcohol, etc., by physicians. Any physician who issues any prescription containing any false statement or who fails to comply with any requirement of the law in regard to the giving of prescription for alcohol to patients or who […]
Section 28-4-165 Sale, delivery, etc., of liquors, etc., to prisoners by persons in charge of jails. No sheriff, jailer, police officer, marshal or other person in charge of any jail or lockup, under any pretense whatever, shall give, sell or deliver to any prisoner therein any spirituous, vinous or malt liquors or any other liquor […]
Section 28-4-166 Penalties for violations of article. Any person who violates any provision of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, when not otherwise expressed, and shall be punished as prescribed in this section. Such person, except in cases where other punishment is prescribed, shall, on conviction, be punished by a fine of not […]