Section 30-8-1 Membership in Alabama Network of Family Resource Centers. To become eligible for membership in the Alabama Network of Family Resource Centers, a family resource center located within the state shall provide evidence of achieving all of the following standards: (1) Being in operation and delivering services to families for at least 15 consecutive […]
Section 30-8-2 Eligibility for funding – Certified network member; adoption of rules. Any family resource center within the state that meets the standards established in Section 30-8-1 and is certified by the Alabama Network of Family Resource Centers as a member of the network may receive a portion of the funds appropriated from the state […]
Section 30-8-3 Eligibility for funding – New centers; failure to meet standards. Any new family resource center within the state that desires to become certified by the network may request and receive initial funding if approved by the network board of directors. Any center that fails to meet the standards established in Section 30-8-1 for […]
Section 30-8-4 Allocation of funds; audit. The network board of directors may allocate state appropriated funds to any existing or new family resource center which meets the standards established in Section 30-8-1. The Examiners of Public Accounts shall audit any entity receiving state funds through this entity. (Act 2000-776, p. 1794, §4.)