Section 31-4-1 Composition; chairman; term of office of appointed members. The Governor of Alabama, the Adjutant General of Alabama, the Attorney General of Alabama, the two highest ranking Army National Guard officers, and the highest ranking Air National Guard officer, together with three duly qualified electors of Alabama, to be appointed by the Governor, and […]
Section 31-4-10 Exercise of power of condemnation. The power of condemnation granted in this chapter to the Armory Commission of Alabama, and to counties, cities, and incorporated towns, shall be exercised in the manner prescribed in the Code of Alabama. (Acts 1935, No. 276, p. 672; Code 1940, T. 35, §196.)
Section 31-4-11 Conveyance by counties or municipalities of public lands to commission for use as armory sites. Any municipality or county owning lands on which no permanent building has been actually constructed, whether such lands constitute part of a park or site for some public structure, is authorized to convey the same to the Armory […]
Section 31-4-12 Property used for armory and training purposes exempt from taxation, etc. All property actually used for armory and military training purposes, as defined in this chapter, shall be exempt from all taxation, import, or assessment. (Acts 1935, No. 276, p. 672; Code 1940, T. 35, §195.)
Section 31-4-13 Approval, inspection and supervision of armory construction by State Building Commission. Whenever any new armory construction is to be made by the Armory Commission of Alabama out of any state moneys without federal aid, the Armory Commission of Alabama shall submit the plans and specifications for such new construction to the technical and […]
Section 31-4-14 Use and disposition of armories generally. Whenever in the opinion of the Armory Commission it is practicable to do so, each armory of the National Guard or Naval Militia shall contain a room suitable for meetings of associations composed of veterans of the Spanish-American War, the World Wars, the Korean War and the […]
Section 31-4-15 Management and care of armories; armory boards or officers of control. The Armory Commission shall also constitute a board for the general management and care of armories and drill and training areas, when established, and shall have the power to adopt and prescribe rules and regulations for the management and government thereof, and […]
Section 31-4-16 Sale or lease of armories. When the State Armory Commission shall receive information from the Governor of the disbandment of an organization of the National Guard or Naval Militia of Alabama occupying or using an armory provided under the direction of the Armory Commission, it shall be the duty of the commission to […]
Section 31-4-17 City and county donations, etc., for aid of local National Guard or Naval Militia organizations. Every city and county in the State of Alabama now having, or that may hereafter have, an active National Guard or Naval Militia organization or organizations within its boundaries is hereby authorized and empowered to render such financial […]
Section 31-4-18 Reversion of donations. In the event that any real property is donated to a National Guard or Naval Militia organization or organizations, which organization or organizations shall fail or refuse to use same, or shall, after accepting same, be disbanded, the title to the real property thus donated shall revert to the person, […]
Section 31-4-19 Disbursement of regular military appropriations for maintenance of armories, etc. In order that there shall be provided maintenance funds for amories and other buildings erected and areas provided for drill and training and other military purposes under the provisions of this chapter, the Adjutant General of this state is authorized to pay out […]
Section 31-4-2 Procedure for incorporation. The Armory Commission may, by filing with the Secretary of State of the State of Alabama, become a public body and a body corporate when the members of the commission shall present to the Secretary of State of the State of Alabama an application signed by them which shall set […]
Section 31-4-3 Powers and duties generally; compensation of members; meetings; quorum; delegation of powers and duties to executive committee. The commission may in its corporate name sue and be sued, contract and be contracted with, acquire real and personal property by gift, purchase, lease, hire, or condemnation, and may do all things and exercise all […]
Section 31-4-4 Bond for care, etc., of arms, equipment, etc., of United States reserve units of state colleges, etc. In addition to the powers now conferred by law, the Armory Commission of Alabama is hereby authorized and empowered to execute and deliver a bond, with or without surety, in such manner and on such terms […]
Section 31-4-5 Financing or refinancing of armories, etc. The Armory Commission of Alabama is hereby authorized, in addition to all other powers and authority granted herein, to finance or refinance any armory buildings or structures now in existence, to finance or refinance improvements to or additions to such armories already in existence and to finance […]
Section 31-4-6 Use of military appropriations for payment of expenses or obligations of commission. The Governor of Alabama is hereby authorized to use, in his discretion, any part of any appropriation or contingent appropriation heretofore or hereafter made for any military purpose or for the benefit of the state militia or any part thereof, irrespective […]
Section 31-4-7 Provision, etc., of armories, etc., for housing, instruction, etc., of National Guard, Naval Militia, etc. The Armory Commission of Alabama shall provide adequate armories, buildings, equipment, furniture, target ranges, and other necessary facilities for the proper housing, instruction, training, and administration of all units and headquarters of the National Guard and Naval Militia […]
Section 31-4-8 Acquisition, construction, etc., of armories, grounds, etc. The Armory Commission may, either alone or in cooperation with the United States or political subdivisions of the state, such as counties, cities, or incorporated towns, and private corporations, voluntary unincorporated associations or individuals, construct or acquire by purchase, contract, lease, gift, donation, or condemnation, armories, […]
Section 31-4-9 Cooperation of counties and municipalities for acquisition of buildings, etc., suitable for use as public buildings and armories. The governing body of any county and the governing body of any city or incorporated town wherein a unit or units of the Alabama National Guard or Alabama Naval Militia have been, or may hereafter […]