Section 34-19-10 Promulgation of rules and regulations, procedures, standards, etc., for nurse midwives. Repealed by Act 2017-383, § 5, effective August 1, 2017. (Acts 1976, No. 499, p. 624, §4.)
Section 34-19-11 Definitions. The following words and phrases shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1) BOARD. The State Board of Midwifery. (2) LICENSED MIDWIFE. A practitioner who holds a certified professional midwife credential and is licensed by the board to practice midwifery. (3) MIDWIFERY. The provision of primary maternity care […]
Section 34-19-12 State Board of Midwifery – Creation; expenses; composition; meetings; liability of members; employees; collection of information. (a) There is created and established a State Board of Midwifery to implement and administer this chapter. (b) The board shall pay all of its expenses from its own funds and no expenses shall be borne by […]
Section 34-19-13 State Board of Midwifery – Disposition of funds. All funds received by the board under this chapter shall be deposited in the State Treasury to the credit of the board and all such funds are to be appropriated to the board to defray the expenses incurred in carrying out this chapter. The expenses […]
Section 34-19-14 State Board of Midwifery – Powers and duties; scope of licensed practice of midwifery. (a) The board shall do all of the following consistent with this chapter: (1) Approve, renew, suspend, or revoke licenses for the practice of midwifery. (2) Investigate and conduct hearings regarding complaints against a licensed midwife in order to […]
Section 34-19-15 Licensure requirements; duration; grounds for suspension, revocation, etc., of license; recordkeeping. (a) An individual desiring to be licensed as a midwife shall apply to the board on forms provided by the board. Applicants for licensure shall submit evidence satisfactory to the board that he or she has met all of the following requirements: […]
Section 34-19-16 Where care may be performed; required forms an duties of licensed midwife. (a) A licensed midwife may provide midwifery care in the setting of the client’s choice, except a hospital. (b) A licensed midwife shall ensure that the client has signed a midwife disclosure form provided by the board indicating receipt of a […]
Section 34-19-17 Violations. (a) Except as provided in this section, it shall be unlawful for an individual other than a licensed midwife to practice midwifery in this state for economic remuneration or to hold himself or herself out to be a licensed midwife unless he or she is a licensed midwife as defined in this […]
Section 34-19-18 Construction of chapter. (a) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to establish a standard of care for physicians or otherwise modify, amend, or supersede any provision of the Alabama Medical Liability Act of 1987 or the Alabama Medical Liability Act of 1996, commencing with Section 6-5-540, et seq., or any amendment thereto, […]
Section 34-19-19 Liability of physician, health care provider, or hospital. No physician, other health care provider, or hospital shall be civilly or criminally liable for any act or omission or advice, care, or service provided by an individual practicing midwifery outside of a hospital or resulting from the choice of a woman to give birth […]
Section 34-19-2 Definitions. Repealed by Act 2017-383, § 5, effective August 1, 2017. (Acts 1976, No. 499, p. 624, §1.)
Section 34-19-20 Licensed Midwives. Individuals licensed as midwives as set forth in this chapter shall be designated Licensed Midwives. (Act 2017-383, §2.)
Section 34-19-21 Coverage or reimbursement for services not required. Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to create a requirement that any health benefit plan, group insurance plan, policy, or contract for health care services that covers hospital, medical, or surgical expenses, health maintenance organizations, preferred provider organizations, medical service organizations, physician-hospital organizations, or […]
Section 34-19-3 License for practice of nurse midwifery required; continuation of practice of lay midwifery. Repealed by Act 2017-383, § 5, effective August 1, 2017. (Acts 1976, No. 499, p. 624, §1.)
Section 34-19-4 Application for license. Repealed by Act 2017-383, § 5, effective August 1, 2017. (Acts 1976, No. 499, p. 624, §2.)
Section 34-19-5 Issuance, renewal, suspension, and revocation of licenses; fee. Repealed by Act 2017-383, § 5, effective August 1, 2017. (Acts 1976, No. 499, p. 624, §3; Acts 1989, No. 89-243, p. 349, §3.)
Section 34-19-6 Practices which may be performed by licensees – Generally. Repealed by Act 2017-383, § 5, effective August 1, 2017. (Acts 1976, No. 499, p. 624, §6.)
Section 34-19-7 Practices which may be performed by licensees – Restrictions generally. Repealed by Act 2017-383, § 5, effective August 1, 2017. (Acts 1976, No. 499, p. 624, §5.)
Section 34-19-8 Practices which may be performed by licensees – Attendance, etc., in cases of abnormal childbirth; location of deliveries. Repealed by Act 2017-383, § 5, effective August 1, 2017. (Acts 1976, No. 499, p. 624, §7.)
Section 34-19-9 Designation of midwife certification on professional nursing license. Repealed by Act 2017-383, § 5, effective August 1, 2017. (Acts 1976, No. 499, p. 624, §8; Acts 1989, No. 89-243, p. 349, §3.)