Section 34-24-270 Practicing podiatry without license; penalty. Any person who shall practice podiatry in this state or hold himself or herself out to the public as a podiatrist, or who shall in any sign or advertisement use the word “podiatrist,” “foot specialist,” “foot correctionist,” “foot expert,” or “chiropodist” or any other term or terms or […]
Section 34-24-271 License to podiatrist coming to this state; fee. Repealed by Act 98-366, p. 665, §2, effective July 1, 1998. (Acts 1967, No. 741, p. 1586, §11; Acts 1975, No. 1199, p. 2376, §4; Acts 1985, No. 85-359, §3.)
Section 34-24-272 Special certificate. Any person who is a legal, ethical, and competent practitioner of podiatry in this state, who has been duly examined and licensed by the State Board of Podiatry, and of good moral character and known to the board as such, who shall desire to change his or her residence to another […]
Section 34-24-273 Issuance; contents; display by holder. Every applicant who shall pass the standard examination, or whose reciprocity has been accepted by the State Board of Podiatry, shall receive from the board a license entitling him or her to practice podiatry in Alabama, which license shall be signed by the president of the board and […]
Section 34-24-275 Renewal; continuing education. Every licensed podiatrist who desires to continue the practice of podiatry shall annually, on or before the first of October, pay to the secretary-treasurer of the state board a renewal registration fee in a reasonable amount set by the board and comply with such other conditions as may be prescribed […]
Section 34-24-276 Suspension or revocation; members of board immune from suit. (a) A license issued to any person may be suspended for a definite period of time, revoked, or limited, or a licensee may be reprimanded, or an application for licensure or renewal of licensure may be denied by the State Board of Podiatry for […]