Section 34-34-1 Qualifications. (a) Any person representing himself or herself as a dietitian, nutritionist, or dietitian/nutritionist shall first meet the qualifications set forth below in subdivisions (1) through (4) or subdivision (5) of this subsection: (1) Prior to the enactment hereof, such persons shall have been granted the right to use the terms “dietitian/nutritionist” or […]
Section 34-34-2 Rights generally. In addition to other rights granted a dietitian/nutritionist or registered dietitian, by whatever name, and notwithstanding any other provision of law, a dietitian/nutritionist or registered dietitian meeting the qualifications set forth in Section 34-34-1, may, upon referral by a health care provider authorized to prescribe dietary treatments: (1) Assess the nutritional […]
Section 34-34-3 Penalty for false representation. It is a Class C misdemeanor for any person not meeting the criteria of Section 34-34-1 to use, in connection with his or her name or place of business, the word “dietitian,” “dietician,” “nutritionist,” “registered dietitian,” “registered dietician,” or the letters “D,” “R.D.,” or any other words, letters, abbreviations, […]
Section 34-34-4 Authority of certain unqualified persons to represent themselves as dietitians/nutritionists. Any person employed by a licensed health care facility and who does not meet the requirements of subsection (a) of Section 34-34-1 on May 7, 1984, may continue to represent himself or herself as a dietitian/nutritionist while employed by the licensed health care […]