Section 36-12-60 Purpose of article. The object and purpose of this article is to place all candidates for any state office upon an equality by the prevention of the use of any state-owned property in the promotion or advancement of the candidacy of any individual to the nomination or election to any public office of […]
Section 36-12-61 Use, etc., of state-owned property for promotion or advancement of interests of candidates for public office. It shall be unlawful for any officer or employee of the State of Alabama to use or to permit to be used any state-owned property of any character or description, including stationery, stamps, office equipment, office supplies, […]
Section 36-12-62 Transportation, etc., of campaign literature in state-owned vehicles, etc. It shall be unlawful for any officer or employee of the State of Alabama to transport, cause to be transported or to allow to be transported in any automobile or other vehicle belonging to the state or any privately owned vehicle while mileage is […]
Section 36-12-63 Duty of department heads, etc., to discharge violators of provisions of article. It shall be the duty of all officers, heads of departments and all other individuals and boards charged with the duty of appointing individuals to state office or employing any individual in the state, if any part of the compensation is […]
Section 36-12-64 Liability for violations of provisions of article. Any officer or employee of the State of Alabama who violates any of the provisions of this article shall be subject to impeachment and removal from office and shall also be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished in the manner provided […]