Section 41-12-1 Designation as memorial; purposes for which memorial may be used. The building and grounds known as the first White House of the Confederacy, opposite the Capitol and now the property of the state, shall be preserved and held inviolate as a perpetual memorial to Jefferson Davis and the men and women associated with […]
Section 41-12-2 Department of Finance to maintain building; payment of expenses thereof. The care and upkeep of the building as a building shall be a part of the duties of the Department of Finance, and the expenses for such care and upkeep shall be payable from the funds annually appropriated therefor by the Legislature. (Acts […]
Section 41-12-3 White House Association to manage building. The management of the first White House of the Confederacy as an institution for the cultivation of Confederate history, the preservation of Confederate relics and as a reminder for all time of how pure and great were southern statesmen and southern valor is confided to the organization […]