Section 41-23-170 – Authority Established.
Section 41-23-170 Authority established. There is hereby established the Alabama Space Authority. (Act 2017-403, §1.)
Section 41-23-170 Authority established. There is hereby established the Alabama Space Authority. (Act 2017-403, §1.)
Section 41-23-171 Composition of authority. The authority shall be composed of a representative of the University of Alabama in Huntsville, selected by the President of the University of Alabama in Huntsville, the Director of the Auburn University Aviation Center, the President of Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University, the Secretary of the Alabama Department of Commerce, […]
Section 41-23-172 Office in ADECA; support. The authority shall be created as an office in the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA). ADECA shall provide for the initial support needed to apply for grant funding. Upon receipt of grant funding, ADECA shall provide administrative support for the authority. (Act 2017-403, §3.)
Section 41-23-173 Duties. The authority shall have the following duties: (1) Encourage the education and training of aerospace professionals to pioneer the frontier of space and to develop new methods and technologies for the exploration of space. (2) Promote new space exploration, space tourism, and spaceport technologies across a wide spectrum of corporate, academic, public, […]
Section 41-23-174 Powers. For the purpose of accomplishing the duties enumerated in Section 41-23-173, the authority shall have the following powers: (1) To acquire by purchase or gift any real, personal, or mixed property necessary or convenient in connection with the purpose for which the authority is formed and to hold title to such property, […]
Section 41-23-175 Development of aerospace and spaceport infrastructure and capabilities. Nothing in this article should be construed to limit the ability of municipalities, counties, or airport authorities incorporated or reincorporated pursuant to Title 4 from developing aerospace and spaceport infrastructure and capabilities. (Act 2017-403, §6.)
Section 41-23-176 Per diem and travel expenses for members of authority. Members of the authority shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for per diem and travel expenses at the same rate and under the same circumstances as are payable by law to state employees for each day they attend business of the authority. […]