Section 41-23-190 – Short Title.
Section 41-23-190 Short title. This article shall be known and may be cited as the Alabama Public Transportation Act. (Act 2018-161, §1.)
Section 41-23-190 Short title. This article shall be known and may be cited as the Alabama Public Transportation Act. (Act 2018-161, §1.)
Section 41-23-191 Definitions. As used in this article, the following words have the following meanings: (1) ADVISORY COMMITTEE. The Alabama Public Transportation Trust Fund Advisory Committee. (2) DEPARTMENT. The Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs. (3) DIRECTOR. The Director of the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs. (4) TRUST FUND. The Alabama Public […]
Section 41-23-192 Legislative findings. The Legislature finds and declares the following: (1) Alabama is in need of more safe and affordable public transportation options for residents and visitors. (2) Inadequate and inefficient public transportation in Alabama adversely affects a community’s ability to develop and maintain a viable and stable economy. (3) The establishment of the […]
Section 41-23-193 Creations; functions; fee. (a) The Alabama Public Transportation Trust Fund is created in the State Treasury for the distribution of designated funds appropriated by the Legislature or collected from grants or other sources for the purpose of increasing public transportation options across the State of Alabama. The trust fund shall be maintained and […]
Section 41-23-194 Awarding of funds; goals. (a) Activities funded by the trust fund shall be selected through a competitive process pursuant to rules adopted by the department with input from the advisory committee. In establishing criteria for the awarding of funds, the department shall address the transportation needs of the disabled, the elderly, and rural […]
Section 41-23-195 Advisory committee – Membership. (a) There is created the Alabama Public Transportation Fund Advisory Committee for the purpose of advising the director and staff of the department with respect to the administration of the trust fund; provided, however, all decisionmaking authority remains with the department. (b) The advisory committee shall consist of the […]
Section 41-23-196 Advisory committee – Functions. The advisory committee shall do all of the following: (1) Review and advise department staff on all policies and procedures for administration of the trust fund including, but not limited to: a. Development of a process for making awards from the trust fund. b. Development of policies and rules […]
Section 41-23-197 Eligibility. Any of the following entities are eligible to apply to the department for funding from the trust fund: (1) Not-for-profit organizations. (2) Municipalities. (3) Counties. (4) Public transit authorities. (Act 2018-161, §8.)